Let's get something straight. I'm a registered Democrat. Last night, I watched the Democrats in the senate, save for a small handful, totally screw the American public. Today, I get this mass email from Chuck Schumer:
We have an extraordinary opportunity in this election. Not only can we take back the White House, we can also win a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate.
But to do so, we need more voters than ever to register and show up at the polls.
That's where you come in.
You probably know quite a few people who aren't registered -- and in many states, the registration deadline is just one week away.
Well, Chuck, last night you totally fucked me over. You helped out your Wall Street buddies, those rich constituents who sent you lots of money. And you screwed me and about 297 million other Americans.
I just don't believe that you couldn't add to that 300+ page document a single paragraph that protected main street as well as it rescued Wall Street. Maybe I'm wrong. If I am, I'll publish a correction. I hope, if one of your staffers sees this in a google alert, that they'll take me seriously. As it is, I'll be voting democratic, mostly holding my nose, but I'll also be planning ahead to 2010 and 2012 when incumbents start coming up for re-election, including you. And I'll do my damnedest to get rid of legislators who have sold out the people for the lobbyists and the wealthiest.
I really want to see that filibuster-proof senate. The idea is pleasing. But this morning, after getting royally screwed and not having any pleasure in it, I'm not even sure that a filibuster-proof senate would do ME and my kind of people-- the othe 99% of Americans-- any good.
If there's any integrity left in the House, they'll add what the senate left out. If they do, and you pass it, I'll take a second look at contributing to the DSCC.
We really are watching you. Your votes DO have consequences. There's a reason congress has under 10% approval ratings. You deserve them.
As a Democrat, I WANT to approve of you and the senate Dems. But so far, you don't deserve it.