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Rebranding the Democratic Party: The WAR PARTY

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Ron Ridenour
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My colleague and long-time friend Dave Lindorff did it. He provoked me to rescind my vow, quite temporarily I'm hoping, to stop writing about political matters, at least directly.

Dave's desire to rename the Republican Party as the "Bad Losers Party", and his closing remark opening others to rename the Democratic Party, motivated me to make this exception to my wish. Let's Rebrand the Misnamed GOP as the BLP - This Can't Be Happening! (thiscantbehappening.net)

My name would be the War Party.

To explain why, I sweep through some of the history of this party, which pretends to be the party for the working class.

Woodrow Wilson, Barack Obama's Southern racist idol, enacted the 1917 Espionage Act, which Democrats and Republicans alike are currently using to torture-to-death the most important media messenger of our times, Julian Assange"-with the hope that it will crush our most important medium for truth-transparency, Wikileaks. Wilson invaded Russia during WWI once the Russian Revolution succeeded and Russia withdrew from the war. As the world war continued on other fronts, Russia had to fight and win against about 200,000 foreign troops sent by the US, UK, France and Japan, as well as the Russian aristocracy's White Army.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy were the only US presidents who actually sought world peace. For that, the Establishment plotted to assassinate them both. Marine General Smedley Butler exposed the 1933-4 "Business Plot", which would have launched a coup against FDR's New Deal plan to save capitalism and his desire to make peace with the Soviet Union. (See my book, The Russian Peace Threat: Pentagon on Alert, pg. 126-8).

John Kennedy became a liability to that same Establishment-what its president, Dwight D. Eisenhower, called the "military-industrial complex". The Establishment murdered him, because he stopped the capitalist class' military-industrial complex from launching a nuclear world war against the Soviets-Russians during the 1962 "Cuban" missile crisis.

Kennedy also opposed Pentagon-CIA plans to invade its own military base in Cuba's Guantanamo province. The plan, Operation Northwoods, called for US forces to kill some of its own, including Cubans seeking to flee to the US, and then blame Fidel Castro, in order to rationalize a thorough invasion and retake Cuba. This treachery is known as "false flagging". President Kennedy began to see the failure of the US's obsession with permanent war for global domination. He opened paths to find ways to end military conflicts against Cuba and Vietnam.

The last straw for the American Exceptionalism-Establishment the president of the United States of America Racist Military Empire (US-ARME) speech promoting the anti-profit notion of world peace.

"What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children"-not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women"-not merely peace in our time but peace for all time." Speech on peace delivered by President John F. Kennedy - Peace Corps Worldwide

Less than six months after his visionary oratory--June 10, 1963, delivered at the American University--several men shot him to death on the streets of Dallas, Texas. The CIA, Mafia, Cuban anti-communist terrorist conspirators eradicated their key obstacle to taking over the presidency. In effect, it was a coup within the US-ARME.

There is a wealth of evidence, not all circumstantial, that the CIA engineered this coup, and the entire Establishment from LBJ onward covered it up. One of the conspirators was Chicago's Mafia boss, Sam Giancana. He told his brother and godson how he helped kill Kennedy and why. His own men were involved.
Double Cross: The Explosive, Inside Story of the Mobster Who Controlled America by Sam Giancana | Goodreads

Here is one recent connecting link, and there are many more. Cuban exile told sons he trained Oswald, JFK's accused assassin, at a secret CIA camp (msn.com)

Another connection: "Contrary to what the Warren Commission told the American people in 1964, the CIA monitored the accused assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, constantly from October 1959 to October 1963. Indeed, one CIA cable "- not fully declassified until 2001- shows that Oswald's travels, politics, and state of mind were the subject of discussion among senior agency officers just six weeks before JFK was killed. These officers (identified by name) concluded that Oswald was 'maturing'". John Brennan and the CIA's Last JFK Secrets | HuffPost Latest News

Harry Truman Russia lost to Germany's Nazis 13,950,000 or exactly 12.7% of its population. Another part of the Soviet Union, Belarus, lost 2.29 million or exactly 25.3% of its population to Hitler. Another part of the USSR, Ukraine, lost 6.85 million or 16.3%. The entire Soviet Union lost 26.6 million, exactly 13.7% of its population to Hitler. The US lost only 419,400, or 0.32% of its population. World War II casualties - Wikipedia

Furthermore, immediately after FDR died and Harry S. Truman became President, "the US CIA (then its predecessor organization, the OSS) provided protection and employment in Germany for top members of Hitler's equivalent to the CIA, the Gehlen Organization." Taken from historian Eric Zuesse, How the US Created the Cold War Through Its European Aid Plan - Europe Reloaded

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Ron Ridenour is a retired journalist, anti-war and radical activist; author of a dozen books, including "The Russian Peace Threat: Pentagon on Alert".

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