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Resolution to Create a New United Nations Undersecretary General for Nutrition and Consumer Protection 2020

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Stephen Fox
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United Nations Charter Articles 7, 26, 33, 57, 63 (Section 2) and 97, authorize the creation of a new United Nations Undersecretary General for Nutrition and Consumer Protection whose purpose is to protect the health of all nations.

An oversight position is created in the Secretariat, with specific instructive, injunctive, protective, and interdictive powers, including the power to prosecute punitive and exemplary suits in international courts to recover damages for harm done to health in member states.

Commentary: The General Assembly must recognize that there must be henceforth a cessation of all manufacturing of and addition to foods of carcinogens, neurotoxins, mercurial fungicides used in the international transport of coffee beans, bovine growth hormones, pesticides, herbicides, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, cottonseed oil (because of the neurotoxicity of the chemicals added to growing cotton), steroids, chemicals fed to chickens to accelerate the frequency of their egg laying, bleach used to whiten flour and sugar, "anti-caking agents" like sodium silicoaluminate added to flour, chemicals added to color and preserve meat, artificial sweeteners, hundreds of manufactured food products containing aspartame (also called NutraSweet, a neurotoxin and carcinogen which is assimilated as methanol then formaldehyde, forming formaldehyde plaques in the brain and kidneys, the formaldehyde also binding to DNA, causing severe biochemical consequences, and all of its derivative compounds including neotame and advantame, an aspartame derivative that is 8000 times as sweet as sugar which can be used in small enough quantities that it doesn't have to be labeled), methyl bromide, calcium propionate, Senomyx (this is an excellent example: the patent for Senomyx was obtained in September 2004 and it is an additive which mimics the taste of salt, sugar, and other chemicals, tricks the sense buds into the appearance of a salty or sugary taste, so that the manufacturer can save a few pennies; little is known about Senomyx's biochemical and metabolic pathways, and contracts have been signed to use it, so that the manufacturer can save a few pennies per item), malathion, parathion, dieldrin, food colorings, sodium erythorbate, BHA, BHT, TBHQ, sulfides and sulfates added to dried fruits, and foods irradiated with radioactive strontium and cesium, just to name a few.

The Undersecretary General will have injunctive powers necessary to order any person or corporation in all nations to stop manufacturing foods and additives to food that are determined to be deleterious and harmful. The Undersecretary General will name more harmful compounds as they are invented, developed, and marketed by multinational corporations.

Submitted by Stephen Fox of Santa Fe New Mexico


Further commentary may be found at a website in Sweden:


(Article changed on May 19, 2020 at 12:26)

(Article changed on May 19, 2020 at 13:05)

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