It seems that the people in the 1 st Congressional
District of South Carolina have very short memories. It could also be that many
of these people remember when Mark Sanford was their Congressman and they want
him back. It could also be that many good Christians forgive his sins because
he isn't a perfect man.
I don't forgive him. I personally believe that he's
a low-life scumbag, but that's just me. I'm not in the 1st District
and therefore I have no say in the matter. They have the right to choose whom
they want. That's what America is all about, Right?
This brings me to the subject of Republicans and
Democrats. Why is it that we only have two major political parties when we have
thousands of different opinions? Where in the Constitution does it say that we
must elect these corporately-controlled people from these two parties?
How many times will we be stabbed in the back before
we realize that they just don't care about us? A good example is Mark Sanford.
Why must he suck off the government teat for another two years? Who told him to
be a professional politician? Can't he get a real job? These people drive me
crazy. They show distain for the people that elect them and the people turn
around and reelect them. This is called slave mentality.
When are the American people going to break the
chains that bind them? Look, wages of the 10% have risen 370% in the last 20
years while the wages of the Middle Class during that time have remained stagnant.
Wake up and smell the coffee folks! These Democrats and Republicans are not
your friends. You are told over and over by the mainstream media about who is
running for office on the GOP and Democratic tickets. They fail to mention that
there are other political parties out there.
The reason that this is so is because the people don't demand anything more. The mainstream media didn't mention the fact that Green
Party Candidate Eugene Platt was also running. I say shame on the Green Party
for not raising hell. The Green Party seems to take this treatment.
I'm making a bid for the Senate seat that Jim DeMint
once had that Tim Scott has now. I might take a spot on the Socialist Party
ticket or accept a Justice Party nomination. I do know one thing, if I run; the
people of South Carolina will hear me. That's the kind of guy I am.
I talk to people all the time here in South
Carolina. They are sick and tired of the way things are, the wars, the spending
on the military, the cuts in budgets, the failing infrastructure, our infant
mortality rate, the health care system, government wiretapping phones and
reading e-mails, people are fed up.
Change is in the air. I can feel it, right here in
South Carolina. What people don't realize is that South Carolinians are a very
independent people. They don't like government intrusion. Most people here
support background checks for firearms. They are not crazy. They do know when they
are being screwed however; it seems the people in the 1 st
Congressional District kind of like it that way.
Well, if this gets around, I probably won't carry
the 1 st Congressional District. Still, change is in the air. Can you
feel it?