You will see the ROV employ an old trick – she parades out a number of poll workers who have been told they are under attack, which of course is not true, but it effectively creates a distraction away from the real issues – the ROV’s lack of accountability. Led by (now Chairman) Jeff Stone (of 1,000 to 1 betting fame), three Board members launch into attacks on SAVE R VOTE and the Secretary of State Debra Bowen and cannot heap enough praise on ROV Dunmore (“heck of a job, Brownie”) and the great job she did by illegally offering DREs to every voter, when the Conditions of Certification are clear – they are there specifically for use by disabled and those with special needs. Supervisor Buster even goes so far as to demand the State provide special additional funding to Riverside County so the county can continue/expand this illegal practice.
It gets so thick at times it makes one want to…well… you know. The actual start time for SAVE R VOTE got pushed back to 3:16 p.m. and some folks had to leave before we even started. I presented for about 30 minutes, then the attacks and lies began. Example testimony by one worker, “The yellow button on the Sequoia machines cannot be used to vote multiple times, it is only there for ejecting a voter’s card if it gets stuck in the DRE…” Uninformed or lying? Either way, since the Board controls the communication, they made sure to have the last word.
If anyone takes the time to go through the video, please take notes on what you are seeing that bothers you and share with the rest of us. This is an amazing display of the concept that the best defense is a good offense. And we are not given a chance to respond at the end. No, Jeff Stone instead makes a motion that the Board put an advisory measure on the ballot in Riverside County to ask “Do you like electronic voting?”
Stone also trotted out the old comment he has used before. He says Mischelle Townsend told him that with electronic voting it would take 4,000 people, all working together, to throw an election! It takes one – and just minutes.
Not sure when I will get a chance to go through it all and document all the lies and innuendos, as I am pretty damned down and frustrated and extremely tired. Fighting the system can do that to you.
" Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law breaker, it breeds contempt for the law."
-- former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis