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Serial Gasing of Iranian School Girls.

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Abbas Sadeghian, Ph.D.
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Iranian school girls gassed and hospitalized
Iranian school girls gassed and hospitalized
(Image by iranintl.com)
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When we think the Iranian ayatollahs have come up with their last method of harming Iranian people, they come up with a new method to intimate and sequester the population.

After their hangings of young boys last month , things settled down for a while .I guess the concept of getting hanged by a rope with pictures of your parents pleading and begging Khamenei on national T.V was intimidating enough for most people to stop . However, the government murderers came up with a new method of hurting people. Their recent victims are School Girls, anywhere from elementary schools to high schools.

In two weeks we are supposed to celebrate the Iranian New Year. I guess this is their early new year's gift. Serial gassing of school girls. It is natural to think why a government would do such a thing to its own people. Your guess is as good as mine. The first thought is that they are conducting a SICK REVENGE. After all, the latest uprising was started by women of all ages and it was the closest to victory in the last 44 years.

When they gassed the first school the people were just confused and did not know what to do. Since then tens of girl schools have been gassed and more than 1000 have been hospitalized .The smell of the gas is different every time ,different schools in different cities have different smells , but all of them make the kids sick and some of them end up in hospital with serious symptoms.

The hospitals are forbidden from releasing patient's records to anyone, not even the parents. Every time that parents gather in front of schools or hospitals there is an additional show of force by revolutionary guards, beating the parents and/or students.

I was under the illusion that using poison gas was forbidden by international law and even Hitler did not use it on battlefields.

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I was born and raised in Tehran Iran .I came to the U.S in 1976 to study psychology. With time decided to hang my hat here and became a U.S. citizen.
My areas of interest in psychology were varied. However I mostly worked with (more...)

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