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OpEdNews Op Eds    H4'ed 1/20/11

Skinned Alive

By Nathan Runkle  Posted by Suzana Megles (about the submitter)       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   4 comments

Suzana Megles
Message Suzana Megles


A new Mercy For Animals undercover investigation provides a startling glimpse into "Catfish Corner," a fish slaughter facility in Mesquite, Texas.

Behind the operation's jaunty name lies a grisly reality. From the water to the cutting table, fish are tortured - suffocated, skinned and dismembered, all while conscious and feeling pain.

MFA's hidden camera video reveals:

  • Workers using pliers to pull the skin off of live fish
  • Dozens of fish crammed into buckets and baskets, gasping for oxygen
  • Skinned fish still moving and gasping on the cutting table
  • Fish flailing and struggling to escape the workers' knives
  • Live fish sliced and split in half
  • Workers tearing the heads off of live fish

Upon reviewing the undercover footage, animal behaviorist Dr. Jonathan Balcombe harshly condemned Catfish Corner, stating, "Treating [fish] like inanimate things is cruel and ethically abhorrent. Handling such as that shown in the footage is extremely cruel and heartless and should be outlawed immediately."

Veterinarian Lee Schrader concurred, adding, "To subject fish to an obviously painful procedure such as the removal of their skin, while they are alive and responsive, is cruel, inhumane and without excuse."

It is now widely accepted that fish feel pain. In fact, fish process pain in much the same way as mammals. The fish in the video exhibit pronounced aversive responses to their handling, such as violently flopping and attempting to move away, suggesting that they indeed feel pain and are suffering immensely.

Further, no measures were taken to stun or render the fish insensible to pain prior to skinning. According to Dr. Schrader, the fact that the animals stopped struggling only after their heads were removed suggests that their movement was a deliberate response to pain.

In the U.S. each year, approximately 8.4 billion fish are killed for food. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, more than 80% of farm-raised fish are catfish, with Texas as a leading producer.

Fortunately, as consumers we have the power to spare fish - and all other animals used in food production - unnecessary pain and suffering by adopting a compassionate vegan diet.



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I have been concerned about animal suffering ever since
I received my first puppy Peaches in 1975. She made me take a good look at the animal kingdom and I was shocked to see how badly we treat so many animals. At 77, I've been a vegan for the (more...)
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