A "Nation-wide Peoples' Protest" culminated in front of Parliament on January 14, 2009. Protesters were controlled yet steadfastly demanded the arrest of their leaders. Organizers stated, "we are fed up with living in the poorest and most corrupt country."
A counter pro-government rally, led by a group of neo-Nazis, started a riot with police. The provocation caused police to falsely react and attack the peaceful demonstrators. 154 were arrested. Reuters and other media sources wrongly reported the riot was the result of the peaceful demonstration and not that of the neo-nazis.
Protests are expected to accelerate ahead of this summer's general elections starting with a General Strike planned for mid-March. The government's response has been to invalidate the protesters and to make all protests a privilege only for the paid unions.
Weekly protest in Reykjavik Feb. 14th - and still the same demands - new goverment and new CEO´s at the Icelandic Central Bank. The protesters are angry that the current government continues to reject their calls for new elections. Police are still a heavy presence at the paliament building.
Protesters are demanding justice after the government used the national treasuries to bailout the Central Banks, whom soon after stopped all credit then filed for bankruptcy. Tens of thousands of layoffs followed overnight.
On Friday 13th February, three protest groups congregated in Rome at the Piazza San Giovanni.
The federations have set up a website together as part of their organizing campaign to build for a national strike in their sectors on 13 March http://www.unitanticrisi.it/ See also the unions' websites: http://www.fpcgil.it and http://www.fiom.cgil.it/
The CGIL Metalworking Federation (FIOM CGIL) and FP public service (FP CGIL) are coming together in protest of government policies attacking public sector workers, public services, and undermining progress and job safety.
Thousands of French university lecturers took to the streets February 5th, as part of a growing "unlimited" strike movement against government reform plans. Lecturers and students marched in twenty cities across the country, including Paris, Marseille and Bordeaux. In Strasbourg, police used tear gas against peaceful demonstrators.
The multi-professional national mobilization GENERAL STRIKE on March 19 2009, will mark a stopping blow to the "reform", disastrous actions of the government.
Petition to support French strikers:
A massive demonstration of 50,000 protesters shut down Pointe-à-Pitre on January 24, 2009. All shops, supermarkets, schools and public services were closed.
A general strike against rising living costs has been in progress on the French Caribbean island of Guadeloupe since January 20. Forty-seven trade unions, associations and political parties under the umbrella organization LKP—The Committee against Extreme Exploitation (lyiannaj kont pwofitasyion in local dialect)—have brought economic activity to a standstill.
Even though the strike has been peacefully run, the French government has sent extra CRS riot police to intervene wherever and whenever it sees fit. Memories are still fresh in Guadeloupe of the 100 people shot to death by the CRS during a demonstration in 1967.
Like the bus-loads of American autoworkers who protested at the American Auto Show in Detroit, a demonstration was staged at the Canadian Auto Show, in front of the Metro Convention Centre, Front Street, in Toronto, 11:00 AM on Sunday, February 15th, 2009.
Wages and working conditions of unionized workers in Canada have nothing to do with the crisis facing the employers and there is no justification to demand that Canadian (or American workers for that matter) should somehow “match” the non-unionized transplants. The US and Canada are the only countries in the world that are demanding worker concessions as part of the auto help package.
More demonstrations planned: Owen Sound City Hall– Mon. Feb. 23, 2009 12:45 PM. Bring Your Banners, Bring Your Flags, Bring Your Love.
FOR MORE INFO 519-379-9105 Doug Schapira
Unions, grass-roots groups, and countless organizations are planning General Strike shut-downs in the US and Canada- March 13 through 19, 2009. The General Strike is a globally planned reaction to protest governments bailing-out private industry for-profit mega-corporations at the cost of the average over-taxed citizen. Further, every nation's populace is suffering under government enabled and caused lay-offs, corporate concessions, and talks of more bailouts and steadily rising unemployment rates.
With the lack of unions in the US, organizers are calling on all workers to join in work stoppages taking place throughout March. Demands are to bring accountability and justice back into government and corporate boardrooms. (More information: http://www.votestrike.com )
The first step would be to arrest the entire Bush II Administration. Please sign these petitions and get your friends to do the same. Please don't let them get away with it!
Support Bush/Cheney Prosecution-Conspiracy Murder & War Crimes
Special Prosecutor for Bush War Crimes
There Must Be A Full And Meaningful Opportunity To Prosecute The Crimes Of Bush And Cheney
The Bush Administration Must Not Escape Justice
Another Hold the Bush Administration Accountable
KINGS: http://kcloccupation.blogspot.com/
SUSSEX: http://sussexoccupation.blogspot.com/
WARWICK: http://warwicksolidaritysitin.wordpress.com/
OXFORD: http://occupiedoxford.wordpress.com/
(UPDATE- As this was being published Spain's judges were preparing to strike 2/18)