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General News    H2'ed 8/31/23


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Irene Fowler
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Many ardent, vociferous,Trump acolytes and apologists, are leading figures within the US evangelical movement. They are quick to erroneously claim that Trump shares their Christian values, and are just as quick, to criticize those who would dare to suggest otherwise. We must avoid any hint of arrogance or condemnation in shedding light on the prevailing, wilful blindness, rather, it behooves us to speak the plain, unadulterated truth fearlessly. To wit, current trends point to the inescapable conclusion, that the faith movement is on the slippery-slope of apostasy.

The Apostle Paul averred: ''I bear on my body the brand-marks of Jesus." Galatians 6: 17 (NIV) As someone who prides himself on being a branding guru, Trump is fully cognizant of the importance of acquiring, and zealously representing the imprimatur of a brand. Trump, however fails dismally, to project basic Christian principles and truths, whilst his public actions openly mock and are in direct opposition to the core tenets of the faith. Trump does not bear on his body, the "brand-marks" of my Saviour Jesus Christ.

A case in point is the well-founded allegation, that during his presidential term,Trump told more than 30,000 lies.

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This depraved, lawless conduct is more in sync with the modus-operandi of the adversary, of whom Christ said: ''When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.'' John 8:44(NIV)

The bible contains accounts of disparate individuals, who after an encounter with Christ underwent a radical change of heart and became true followers of Christ. Examples include Mary Magdalene, a scarlet woman, and Nicodemus, a professorial religious leader. Similarly, the eleven disciples, all, from varied backgrounds, metamorphosed into intrepid, close intimates of the Messiah. To a person, they left behind their diverse livelihoods to follow His peripatetic ministry, risking their lives to spread the good news.

What are some key brand marks of Christianity that accompany a change of heart?

Awareness of sins and the need for forgiveness

"If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us."- 1 John: 8-10 (NIV)

A Hunger and thirst for righteousness

King David, the man after God's own heart passionately encapsulates the yearning for an ever-closer bond with God. He declares ''As the deer pants for the streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.'' Psalm 42:1(NIV) Because God hates sin, David further states: ''Create in me a clean heart, O God."- Psalm 51:10 (KJV) The gravitation towards righteousness, and away from the sordid and wicked, undergirds the hearts of true followers of Christ.

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Nigerian International lawyer (LL.M Harvard),based in Lagos, Nigeria. My career spans the United Nations Geneva, Switzerland (World Health Organization, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), Nigerian energy sector(Shell Petroleum, (more...)

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