The Ottoman Empire (1299-1923) was established much later in the region, to lead the Islamic Sunni sect against the Islamic shitte sect in Iran, plus the continuation of the Islamic Jihads (holly war) against non believers. The Ottoman Empire declared war on Christians in the Middle East. They used the Arabs, Kurds and other nationalities in their war for Islam expansion by force.
The process of elimination started with the Greek people. They cleaned the area from today Israel to the current border of today Greek in less than 200 years. The last stand of the Christian in Istanbul ended by the Sultan Mohammed II (1432-1481), called Faith or Conqueror. The cleansing of the Christian communities of Greek, Armenian, Georgian, Bulgarian and others never stopped until the end of the Ottoman Empire.
The Genocide of the Christian people in the Middle East opened the room for the Arabs, Kurds and Turks to gain lots of land in that region. The process of cleansing of Christian people continued in modern Turkey too.
The new Turkish Republic was created by the General Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (19 May 1881 - 10 November 1938), who was an army officer, revolutionary statesman, and founder of the Republic of Turkey as well as its first President. He was affected by the idea of Hitler of Germany in his nationalistic views. He established the new country as one nation, one language and one flag for Turks without any regard for other nationalities within Turkey. This idea put other nationalities within Turkey in direct conflict with Turks.
The Kurds are the last people to have been in the line of the process of genocide in Turkey. The wars of genocide against the Kurds are in progress even in this modern world. On one hand, Turkey wants to be a member of the European Union and, on other hand, is busy in the process of the Kurds' elimination.
The US Government since World War I has been supporting the Turks in Turkey against all the logics. The reasons are very clear because of Turkey's location. The US Government needed Turkey to stop Russian expansions. The Russians are in Iran now. The US Government and Israel need Turkey to stop Russian expansion. Will the Kurds face the Armenian solution, or is there hope for their survival?
The new administration has to make decisions with regard to Russia, Turkey and Iran in the coming days. The influence of Clinton-Ian and other old fashioned American policy in the region won't help the American image and its interest in the region unless the new President departs from old doctrines.
The new President should work hard with the Europeans to bring the Russians into the European Union. They have to convince Russia to join the Union for their own good. Then they can have justice for the Greeks, Armenians, Georgians, Bulgarians, Kurds and others who were hurt by the Turks in the region for over 700 years.
The right thing to do, Mr. President-elect, is to support the creation of the Aryan (Iranian) Economic Union (AU) for the Iranian and Turkish people in the region. To fight extremist and terrorist groups, you have to have something for the people in the region. That is why we call your administration to treat us Iranians as the US treated the Europeans after World War II.
To support justice and peace in the world, Mr. President-elect, you have to distance from the old fashioned American policy, special interest groups, lobbyists and other nonsense policies that worked against the interest of the American people. The people around the world hate American people for good reason. Try not to listen to the evil ideas and stay on the side of good ideas. Bring peace and respect for hard working American people. The people of America do not want to be Imperialist like the Russians, Turks, Arabs, British, French, other Europeans, Japanese and many powers in the past. The original American people and current American people run from unjust rulers around the world. They do not like to be called American Imperialist. They like to be called generous, friends, human, hard working, helpful, inventors, and thousand more good names, instead of the bad image they have now around the world.
This is your chance, Mr. President-elect, to make the difference for the American people and people around the world. Do not get derailed by the people who do not understand the differences between good and evil.