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Tax Cuts for the Rich Didn't Work

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Watching the pundits on TV debate the question of whether to tax the wealthy or give tax cuts to the wealthy, if it were not so tragic, would be a hilarious comedy.   It would be like debating what happens when the sun comes up each morning; does it get lighter or does it stay dark.   The facts are in, the experiment concluded, the theory tested and the results are in:   tax cuts for the wealthy don't create jobs.   Say it again: tax cuts for the wealthy don't create jobs.

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Since Reagan we have watched tax cut after tax cut in favor of the wealthiest corporations and individuals in the world.   If you listen to the shills who are paid by the billionaires to pump senseless propaganda down the throats of our ever gullible US citizenry, we should have zero percent unemployment by now.   When Bush put the final nail in the coffin with his tax cut windfall for the wealthy, a tax cut by the way left in place by the current corporate shill in the White House, we should have seen a massive spike in employment.   Where's the beef?


The fact is we have a far higher unemployment rate today than when taxes for the wealthy were graduated, like in the 50's and 60's.   Tax cuts that were supposed to spurn economic growth and jobs for Americans have only been taken overseas to invest in communist China and other Asian third world slave wage nations (a separate topic in itself).   Tax cuts for the US oligarchs created two dollar a day jobs in those nations.   What's to debate?


For CEO's and the usual whores in the corporate propaganda media to whine, sputter and spit about restoring tax levels to what they were when our nation had plenty of jobs is nothing short of egregious lying.   They should be jailed for treason.   That Americans do not throw rocks at their own TV's when these self-proclaimed geniuses squawk and shed tears for the billionaires is beyond the pale.   It was these geniuses who failed to see where all the tax cuts would lead.   It was these geniuses who said this recession would be a "soft landing.'   It was these geniuses who said we have been recovering from the recession.   And the geniuses are being paid hefty salaries by, guess who, the corporate billionaires and CEO's who are benefitting from the perpetuation of lies.   Who in their right mind even gets sucked into the debate?


There is no debate and there can be no reasonable discussion on this topic other than to restate the obvious (say it again) "TAX CUTS DON'T CREATE JOBS."   The facts are as clear as summer day in New Mexico.   What is all the balling, shrieking, ranting and lunatic noise from the far right propaganda machine other than another attempt to line the pockets of billionaires at the expense of average US citizens?


And remember next year when you go to vote for the President, that Obama has not mentioned this once.   As of yesterday, he only wants to tax rich people at the same rate as average citizens. And to quote a common political phrase today, "he was against it before he was for it.'   He signed the law extending Bush's tax cuts only last year.   But now that the election is nearing he wants you to believe that he is working in the interests of the average American.   Obama, once again, has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt for whom he works" and it ain't you and me.


So when you are around the dinner table this coming holidays listening to that ignorant and arrogant in-law complain about raising taxes on the rich, remind them that they must have been staring at their navel too long if they did not notice that tax cuts for the rich utterly failed to create one single job.   In fact tax cuts for the wealthy had just the opposite effect.

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