"Alternative" is a word that suggests change.
The Republicans have presented the same rotten barrel of apples to us, as if it was something fresh and new!
No new spending to help folks who are the victims of the unscrupulous Rich, but let's let the Rich keep their tax cuts. Notice no spending cuts for the Military-Industrial Complex. (Where'd the money go, folks?)
The Republicans have presented the same Boehn-headed Reagonomics/Bushite nonsense that has gotten us in this mess...but though some Americans are just beginning to figure out who stole us blind, many of us now know exactly whodunnit and what didn't work!
Do the Repugs really think anyone except their most brainwashed idiots doesn't remember the Debacle of the Bush years; all that is still coming to fruition..or rather, ROT, as this Tsunami of destruction and greed still is washing over us!
Watching the Republicans' stiff, choreographed walk down the Capitol steps to announce their "Plan," I envisioned them all starting to tumble down the steps in a big messy heap!
That, indeed, would have been poetic justice for these losers!
There are still far too many Neocons everywhere in our government, including in the Bosom of Obama's new administration, all working to ensure that the FAILED status quo is not dismantled in favor of something new that we desperately need.
Obviously a thorough Spring cleaning is in order.