Killing Jobs Causes Tooth Fairy To Disappear!
The job-killing deficit deal has consequences and the Tooth Fairy is one of the first programs to suffer! Have kids? Have a job? The Tea Party has gotten its wish! The deficit deal orchestrated by the Tea Party is designed to make cuts and the cuts will kill jobs; no job, no Tooth Fairy! According to the Economic Policy Institute, almost 2 million additional jobs will be lost in 2012.
That is what happens when the electorate sends one-issue candidates to Congress! These fanatics hate government, so they decided that their job was to destroy government. Instead of hearing JOBS! JOBS! JOBS!, the Tea Party heard CUT! CUT! CUT! and any collateral damage is of no consequence! Even if it is the Tooth Fairy! The Tea Party is on a mission and if the threat of economic collapse did not deter them, the disappearance of theTooth Fairy certainly won't cause them to lose any sleep!
Think that those 2 million newly unemployed will be able to afford to have the Tooth Fairy visit their children? Not when they won't be able to afford food, their mortgages, their car payments, etc! Thank the Tea Party!
There May Be No Food In The House, If There Is A House!
That hunger in this country is still an issue, with all of the money that we spend, make, squander and hoard, should be an embarrassment to every citizen of this 'exceptional' country. That millions of children go to bed hungry every night should be more than embarrassing; it should be criminal. How can it be that before a baby can even say the words, " I am hungry", they have to experience that gnawing feeling in their little stomachs? The hunger pains.
The group Hunger in America reported that in 2010, 14 million children in this country were hungry. Charities and government food stamp programs have continued to try to solve the problem, but every year the statistics rise. An additional 2 million jobs lost will exacerbate the problem of child hunger. How many more will go hungry? How many more will lose their homes? Think the Tea Party cares? As long as they cut government which is their primary goal, they won't. It will be just some more collateral damage!
As long as it does not affect their own children, the thought of food insecurity is always someone else's problem. How many times have I heard people say, "It is the parents' fault!" or "Food stamps cost too much and we can't afford them. Those people are all lazy, anyway." or "Not my problem." Still not angry enough?
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