regarding how a terrorist attack in this country would be a "big advantage" for the McCain presidential campaign, is the insight it provides into how the people John McCain has put in charge of running his campaign genuinely think: they obviously put being placed in power, above even the actual welfare of the country itself. And their intended use of this power, apparently has little or nothing to do with serving the best interests of the average citizen. It would be used just as those who came before him have used it: to further exploit, ignore, manipulate and marginalize the would-be victims a such a terrorist attack.
The fact that a candidate running for the country's highest office, of one of the two major parties, can continue to be considered viable in this light, speaks volumes about how fundamentally corrupt we've allowed the entire system to become. Enabling the current business fascism which has already virtually taken over this country, to even further consolidate itself, seems to be the ultimate goal of the process itself.....
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