At this point, I do not know the price of her book, but all I will add is to put that money towards food, clothing and housing. Feed your children instead of feeding Palin's political aspirations. If it is meant to be.
Each day as a grocery store cashier, I see women come to work to make ends meet making a little over minimum wage and they are not grabbing any microphone they can. They are the women America should be listening to as they stand for hours checking their customer's purchases out. If Palin truly wishes to know what the true economy is all about, let her stand in the shoes of those at the grocery-store check-out aisles. We not her know what America's true economy is all about as she bloviates.
There are other women of strength such as police officers who strap on a bullet-proof vest to insure that they come home to their families as they arrest those who break our laws. Does Palin even know of their plight as she complains of her downfall in her "Going Rouge ? As their shift begins, they do not even know if they will come home to their husbands or children. Let her sit on that one for a while as she thinks what she (cough, cough) writes is important to us all.
Each day, we go to our mailboxes to collect our mail and little do we realize that post-women have delivered it. I have seen these postal workers wearing vinyl gloves to protect themselves from possible anthrax attacks. Yet, no one notices them. They are true women of strength delivering to we the people our bills and catalogues and if we still write them, a personal letter to a family member or friend.
On any given day, there are mothers and fathers sending their children off to be taught their lessons by a teacher of the female persuasion. They know all too well the crisis of funding our children's education in today's economic crisis. In fact they will often ask parents to purchase educational materials needed when a school budget cannot afford them.
At any given moment a home may go up in flames and over the years, fire departments have hired female-firefighters. They, like police officers put their live on the line for you and me. They, unlike Palin should be heralded for racing towards the flames as she ignites political flames.
On any given day, you and I sit down to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner if we can afford it. Little do we realize that farm-women work endless days to produce the food we consume. It is truly back-breaking work, but no one heralds these women, much less speaks of them as we eat our bacon and eggs or pork-roast. Don't forget that peanut butter and jelly sandwich which many still love.
We love to eat our Post, Kellogg's or General Foods cereals and grains, but what of the women working for these companies who are not seen by you and me in order to feed America? They are not heard from as we gobble up these grains. They make nothing compared to the amount Palin will make from this one damn book.
If we are lucky enough to own an automobile, most likely a female autoworker has assembled it. We pray that it is safe enough to drive from point A to point B and she is right there on the assembly line putting it together meeting all specifications. If we are not as lucky to own a car, there is a female transit worker insuring we get from those same points via public-transportation. Yet, no one sees them or knows of their struggles to make ends meet or their struggles on the job day-to-day.
As we have seen through this economic crisis, women along with men have been laid off, thereby losing their jobs, homes and health insurance. Yet, yet they are not in the bull's eye of the media to tell their plight. Yet, yet, Sarah thinks she is deserving of it? Oh please let her live their lives for at least one day.
With this book coming out just before the holiday season, please know this: There are many powerful women that you meet day-in-and-day-out who work to provide for their families who do not stand to make millions. Why not spend the money on products or services that will help them provide for their own instead of Sarah Palin's bank account?
Sarah Palin in quitting the governorship of Alaska proved she was not a fighter where many women out there truly are. Reward them and not her.
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