In memory: Sorry to hear of Nahida Gordon's passing. A Nakba survivor who we befriended over the years. Hear her life's story from her.
After a very successful tour of Australia and New Zealand recently (over 212 talks, 15,000 people spoken to, raised lots of money for Gaza and little for our institute, effected better organization and politics in many areas, set up collaborations), we are exploring a similar tour of US, UK, and Ireland in December and January to speak about Palestine and our institute Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability at Bethlehem University in occupied/colonized Palestine (see Below is a brief description and background. If interested to host or help in anyway (including connecting us with others you know in those countries), please email us at
Prof. Mazin Qumsiyeh is founder and volunteer director of the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability, Bethlehem University (PIBS see and review our 10 year booklet and annual reports here). Prof. Qumsiyeh's background is here, and here, and below is a brief biography and suggested topics of talks.
He and his wife (a cofounder and also full time volunteer at PIBS) plan a trip based on invitations to meet people and give tailored talks to suit audience (Churches, Rotary club members., environmental groups, museums, scientists etc) to be able to gain long term support for a) Palestine, b) (secondary) to our institute ( Support can be financial, in-kind, volunteering (in person or remotely), mobilizing, etc.
Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh previously served at US universities including Tennessee, Duke and Yale. Qumsiyeh published over 180 scientific papers, over 30 book chapters, hundreds of articles, and several books including Sharing the Land of Canaan and Popular Resistance in Palestine on topics ranging from environmental impact of colonization to environmental and climate justice to cultural heritage to human rights to biodiversity conservation to cancer. He oversaw a number of projects ranging from formulating the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan to empowerment projects with farmers, women, and children that benefitted tens of thousands. He is laureate of the Paul K. Feyerabend Foundation award, the Takreem award, peaceseeker of the year award, among others. UN Environment Program: Environmental impact of conflict on gaza and reminder of our own more detailed analysis of environmental impacts of colonization including the recent conflict can be found here.
- CodePink concise and brilliant message on Palestine.
- There is now more awareness of the extent of the Zionist lobby and its nefarious influence that we have been warning about for years.
- Tell Biden: Enough of the lies! You're covering up a genocide!
- Another analysis of the fake "debate" between two hand picked Zionist stooges.
- Israeli Footage shows Israeli soldiers forcing captured Palestinians as shields for its soldiers in clear violation of International law and is a clear evidence of crimes against humanity.
- Actions: Ban "Israel" from the olympics.
- Gaza war: world abandoned us so what can we do?
- Moral Matters in Hard Times.
Stay Human and keep Palestine alive
Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability Bethlehem University Occupied Palestine
facebook pages (Personal) (Institute)