All this and more in today's voting news below
AR: Voting Process Confusing For Some
Benton County. Officials said electronic voting machines are still confusing for a lot of people, even though they have been around for several years.
AZ: Vote-counting webcam starts Sunday
Yuma County will stream a live video feed of the ballot counting center from a webcam at the Yuma County Elections Department starting Sunday morning.
AZ: Voters need assurance of fair elections * (March election in Yuma County)
The 10 percent rejection rate for early ballots due to signature problems is much higher than other parts of the state,
CA: Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters Accepts Electronic Signatures on Voter Registration Forms
CA: Newspaper ad alleges vote-count skullduggery in Sutter County
FL: Much Unclear in Haines City Commission Election Fraud Case
HI: Elections Officials Say Mail-In Voting Secure
IN: Provisional ballots won't count *
Union County Commissioner Gary Davis has until Tuesday to file request for recount
The election board agreed the provisional ballots didn't meet legal requirements...
KY: Paper ballots to debut with primary (Caldwell County)
The traditional push-button voting machines used in the past have been replaced, and voters will now complete paper ballots and feed them into an electronic scanner.
More than 90 Kentucky counties are converting to the paper ballot system for Tuesday's primary election.
LA: Registrars set to purge voter rolls
State election law requires the removal from the rolls of people who have not voted in two federal election cycles -- generally every-other-year congressional balloting -- and who have not responded to attempts to verify their addresses.
MI: Michigan Democratic Party Said to be Behind Attempt to Qualify a Tea Party for Michigan Ballot
NC: Tiff over vote help: Three protests filed with Forsyth allege illegal electioneering
The three...say that some candidates and their supporters not only helped people cast ballots but used various methods to tell the people whom to vote for
NC: North Carolina First Party Has 86,000 Signatures