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Voting for Jill Stein; Revisited

Steven Jonas
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"Either this nation shall kill racism, or racism shall kill this nation." (S. Jonas, August, 2018)

"A Vote for 'ABBH' (Any Body But Harris) is a Vote for Trump and Republo-Fascism" (S. Jonas, August, 2024)

Jill Stein. Let's hope that in the end, to help prevent the onslaught of TrumpRepubloFascism, she does the right thing.
Jill Stein. Let's hope that in the end, to help prevent the onslaught of TrumpRepubloFascism, she does the right thing.
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I published a column on "The Jill Stein Vote" just a few months ago. Except on the "Israel Disaster" I usually don't return to deal with a topic so soon. But "The Jill Stein Vote" is becoming an ever-more serious problem for the future of Constitutional Democracy in the United Sates, especially in the light of whom she has chosen as her Vice-Presidential candidate (a subject that I will be commenting on further, below. Please note that in this column, I am using some of the text from the earlier one. )

"Voting for Jill Stein" has once again become a topic of conversation among various elements of the "Left" in the United Sates. Some leftists, including myself, think that in the upcoming election voting for a "left" third party candidate is not a good idea --- that it is, in the "swing states," actually a horrible idea. It is now well-known that one of the two major party candidates has in the past made it very clear that if elected he will rip up the bourgeois-democratic Constitution adopted in 1789 and amended 27 times since and replace it with an off-a-very-long-off-the-cuff fascist version of designed by colleagues and former members of his staff (that of course is Project2025). Once back in power they would do this without the benefit either of the amendment process as laid out in the current Constitution or a Constitutional Convention (the requirements for which are also described in the current document).

As is well-known, publicly Trump is now trying to run away from P2025 as fast as his bone-spurred heels can carry him. And of course, to accept that supposed retreat we would have to believe that he would leave behind a plan developed by many former members of his staff, and one that has many key elements that he has widely and loudly promoted before, like overturning the Civil Service Act of 1883-as-amended, just like that. Of course we have to believe him, because he is such a famous truth-teller. Trump's own version of P2025, provided for us at length, in the vernacular rather than in a semi-formal, almost academic document (Trump, a man of very limited education/reading, couldn't do "academic" even if he wanted to), is openly revealed in a lengthy recent interview with TIME Magazine.

So why is the "Jill Stein vote" such an issue this time around? Because (to repeat the well-known argument), in certain swing states she might just draw away enough votes that would otherwise go to Harris-Walz, thus giving the election to Trump. Again, as is well-known (but in my mind worth repeating), in Florida in the 2000 election Ralph Nader got about 90,000 votes. With a margin of 535 votes in Florida, and a HUGE boost from a Republican-dominated Supreme Court, G.W. Bush won Florida's electoral vote and thus won the Presidency. Our nation then went on to "9/11," the expansion of the "Afghanistan War," and "Iraq." In the past, Nader and his defenders/acolytes have not placed any responsibility for the Bush victory and any of the subsequent events at his feet. Last year, I saw that Mr. Nader, fearing Trump fascism, was urging people to vote for Biden. However, I cannot find any recent statements to that effect. For those who want to prevent the advent of TrumpRepubloFascism, let's hope that between now and election day, she does come out with one or more statements urging a vote for Harris.

Jill Stein ran on the Green Party ticket in both 2012 and 2016. In the five "swing states" that gave Trump his 2016 victory, Michigan, Wisconsin, Florida, Pennsylvania and Minnesota, his total winning margin was about 75,000 votes. That happened to be just about the same number of votes that Dr. Stein got in those states. What does that show? Absolutely nothing definitive. But hey. IF they had gone to Clinton instead, they MIGHT have delivered the election to her. We will never know for sure, of course. Which brings us down to 2024.

This time around, Dr. Stein has once again secured the Green Party nomination. As it happens, I like Jill Stein. How could I not? We graduated from the same medical school, about 17 years apart. (I'm the older one. Just a note on the "candidates'-age-issue," Dr. Stein, at age 73, is now the second oldest candidate in this election.) But as my readers already know, as summarized above, along with many other observers I think that, were Trump to be elected once again, along with the Party that he has totally taken over (with the full cooperation of most of its leading lights in and financial supporters) from the perspective of maintaining some form of bourgeois Constitutional democracy the country would be headed for disaster. As it happens, this picture of TrumpRepubloFascism represents reality for most observers. Nevertheless, Dr. Stein is persisting in running again.

(In terms of RFK Jr., the latest news as of this writing [8-22-24] is that he is planning to endorse Trump. There is an interesting historical connection between Jr.'s father and Trump: both were proteges of Roy Cohn. However, politically RFK left Cohn way behind, whereas Trump has been quoted on more than one occasion as saying: "Where's my Roy Cohn?" Interestingly enough, it is being said in return for his endorsement that Jr. has asked Trump, should he win, for a guarantee of appointment as Sec. of HHS. Now, we know just how good Trump is at keeping promises, BUT If Trump wins and does makes RFK his Sec. HHS [which seems to be the deal no matter what the Trump people would be saying about it now], and RFK were able to exert full control of the infectious disease functions of the Department [from which most of the career civil servants would have be fired], being the Anti-Vaxxer [not just for COVID-19] that he is, death rates from all the infectious diseases susceptible to vaccination would rise exponentially.)

But getting back to Jill Stein. One major policy that draws strong support for her is her position on Israel and the Gaza Crisis. My position on that horror is clear. I have been a strong critic, in writing, of what I now call The Israeli Nationalists, for many years. I just don't see how doing anything that would further Trump's chances of winning would bring about any solution to the Crisis that would benefit the people of Gaza. After all, Trump has said words to the effect of that he "would let Netanyahu finish the job" (whatever that means --- one can just imagine). But that possibility doesn't seem to have affected Dr. Stein's thinking on the matter. In fact, she has just chosen as her Vice-Presidential Candidate a Professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, Rudolph 'Butch' Ware . He holds to a very strong position against the policies of the Israeli government (as, to repeat, do I). And so, in those states in which the now "Stein-Ware" ticket is running which are swing states, especially those of that group which have significant Arab-American populations very strongly opposed to the policies of the Biden-Harris Administration, with the subtraction of the votes which, given Trump's well-known and long-standing Muslim/Islamo-phobia, might otherwise go to Harris-Walz, they certainly could swing the election to Trump.

To summarize then, at the center of my concern about the Stein candidacy (and at the center of concern of many others, especially in the leadership of the Democratic Party, as well as other anti-fascists who are not connected with the Democratic Party) is that this time around, especially with her new running-mate, in one or more swing states she might well pull the election to Trump, just as she may (or may not) have done the last time. As to just what is the thinking of this very intelligent woman who graduated from the Harvard Medical School, I have to say that it is completely beyond me.

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Steven Jonas, MD, MPH, MS is a Professor Emeritus of Preventive Medicine at StonyBrookMedicine (NY). As well as having been a regular political columnist on several national websites for over 20 years, he is the author/co-author/editor/co-editor of 37 books Currently, on the columns side, in addition to his position on OpEdNews as a Trusted Author, he is a regular contributor to From The G-Man.  In the past he has been a contributor to, among other publications, The Greanville PostThe Planetary Movement, and Buzzflash.com.  He was also a triathlete for 37 seasons, doing over 250 multi-sport races.  Among his 37 books (from the late 1970s, mainly in the health, sports, and health care organization fields) are, on politics: The 15% Solution: How the Republican Religious Right Took Control of the U.S., 1981-2022; A Futuristic Novel (originally published 1996; the 3rd version was published by Trepper & Katz Impact Books, Punto Press Publishing, 2013, Brewster, NY, sadly beginning to come true, advertised on OpEdNews and available on  (more...)

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Peter Barus

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Your arguments are as always cogent and erudite. However, you omit an issue that is central for me:

When I was eighteen (in 1966) I filed as a conscientious objector at my local draft board. It took two years of appeals and a full FBI investigation, including interviews with everyone in the town and campus of Swarthmore who had any connection to me. I served four years in Boston operating rooms, doing anything that didn't require a license, and some that did.

The draft board consisted of people who had no idea why a young person would refuse to go around the world and kill darker-skinned humans on orders. It was a long and deep conversation, after which a Special Master glanced at my thick file and said I was a prima facie case, and would not have to ask the President, and scolded Selective Service Board 58, saying I should have been classified a CO the first time.

My integrity is still not for sale. Voting for any candidate who is not explicitly committed, and credibly so, to ending arms shipments to Israel for their mass murder campaign, would be selling my conscience. I will never vote for any candidate who will allow my taxes to pay for genocide, period.

Strategies based on the idea that one of them will be worse than the other do not stand up in the face of a crime so completely abhorrent. See Caitlin Johnstone for much better articulation of the many arguments for this position.

When all candidates who "can win" (a fundamentally bankrupt proposition in every case) are solidly, declaredly, explicitly (per the DNC Platform) backing the continued genocide in Palestine, how is this any different from disenfranchisement?

I believe it is far too late for quibbling about whether a third party candidate is a "spoiler" or not. Stein is the sole candidate with whom I agree on every issue, starting, proudly and loudly, with the genocide, and ending with climate catastrophe. She has been beaten to the ground by police for her position, on video, in case there was any doubt.

And another thing: I would not wish the presidency on anyone I cared about, because the office is wholly owned by unelected, unaccountable plutocrats, made legal since the amazingly stupid Citizens United decision.

Integrity is like a soap bubble, it's there, or it isn't.

Submitted on Friday, Aug 23, 2024 at 3:07:16 PM

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Anton Grambihler

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"Winner Takes ALL" needs to be banned and all states do what Nebraska and Maine do. I would also prefer that the Senators should no longer have an Electoral vote since 1913 they are no longer representatives of the States.

Submitted on Friday, Aug 23, 2024 at 8:07:05 PM

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Blair Gelbond

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Two sociopathic entities need to be defeated - Trump and Empire. As president the former will create immediate havoc due to his extreme mental illness (see Bandy X. Lee). The latter - because it will likely cause the extinction of most humans and much of the Biosphere.

Trump and the party/groups that back him needs to be roundly decimated, the defeat of Empire would, at minimum, take decades (if not generations).

Yes, the two-party system and Control Culture as a whole is thoroughly broken and we are at the end of paradigm. And yes, over time we will need to learn to cooperate with the energies of evolution (of consciousness) now flooding the planet.

But we need to be realistic. The corruption will be in existence for quite some time, whether we like it or not. When it comes to soul evolution, Stein may well be the older, more conscious being. However, I believe we also need to think about an incremental and practical approach to creating a mature global civilization.

If Kamala and company are electable - wonderful. She certainly appears to be more evolved than DJT and may move us incrementally toward a society of wisdom and compassion... within the limits of the American psyche, and the broken system.

At one level voting one's conscience is noble to do. At another level, if this even remotely increases the chance of DJT gaining the presidency (a fate that likely will bring a quick and ugly end to the human experiment), doing so, strangely enough, can be a betrayal of all of our values.

If K and Co. win, we should be prepared for surprises. My gut sense is that the planetary holon and coming evolutionary events have chosen her to open up our system a bit. If, as is at least possible, she turns out to be the "disclosure president" we should all be ready for the outrageously unexpected.

If, on the other hand (and this too is very plausible) she is coopted by the MIC into supporting the planned ET false flag event, we'll be in line for more tragedy. More regression may be in the cards.

However, due to the powerful energies of Grace already flooding the planet, we should not necessarily expect that "past will predict future."

Submitted on Sunday, Aug 25, 2024 at 3:31:41 PM

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gentry cooper

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Reply to Blair Gelbond:   New Content

Sorry Blair. But I'm not voting for Trump or Harris. I won't vote for someone who supports murder, genocide. Trump, Harris, Biden, Obama, Pelosi. All of them do.

I won't give them my permission anymore, simply because they promise not to be so bad here, or throw out a few crumbs to us here, or promise to go slow or a little faster on empire reform. While committing genocide, plunder, pillage of the planet. They are all evil.

Submitted on Monday, Aug 26, 2024 at 7:27:12 PM

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Blair Gelbond

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Thank you, Gentry.

The ironic issue, as I see it, is that your ethical choice of giving your vote to the candidate of your choice ("I won't vote for Trump or Harris") could in fact be a vote for murder and genocide, ecocide and gaia-cide - if Trump gets in.

Whether Harris will turn out to be a pawn and cheerleader for the MIC and the transnational elite remains to be seen. I think I understand your concern --- and your emotions re- this. (If you wish, see John Hawkin's interview on OEN - Rough Beasts Slouching: An Interview with David A. Hughes)

Of course you need to do what you feel called to do.

I choose to have a short- and long-term view.

Short: No Trump.

Long: The awakening of our species...which these days is accelerating.

Submitted on Monday, Aug 26, 2024 at 7:49:33 PM

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Blair, we agree on a few issues. However, I still must disagree with you on this issue. You say it's unknown if Harris will turn out to be a pawn like Bush 1 and 2, Trump 1, Clinton, Obama, Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, McConnell etc. That may be so. But I am almost certain she will be. Besides if one can say that a Harris presidency in the future is unknown, the same can be said about a Trump 2 presidency. But I think both of them will continue the genocide and and looting of the global south. You may say that Trump demonstrated as much during his 1st presidency. And this is true. But Harris also demonstrated this during her time as DA of San Francisco, AG of California, and a Senator. And as a black person, personally, I would never vote for Harris based upon her domestic record as a DA and an AG, alone.

Submitted on Monday, Aug 26, 2024 at 9:13:03 PM

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I very much appreciate the integrity you are trying to bring to this challenging situation. Also, I would like to hear what you have learned about Harris' actions to date.

Although I believe that it is the MIC and the transnational elite who actually run the show, there is a role for a president in this drama. Re- the latter, you do not seem to be taking into account what appear to be major differences in each of their character structures. From my perspective, Trump appears to be severely and destructively mentally ill. Harris seems to be a healthier human being with a more positive outlook.

It is tempting to be cynical and to paint with a broad brush. I would caution you re- this, and also invite you to check out the Hawkin's article I mentioned. In addition, I do not think one can rule out the influence of transpersonal elements. If there is to be aid from tramsdimensional forces, Trump is much too far gone to anchor these, whereas so far, I intuitively feel that Harris may be able to be a vehicle for these - to some degree.

This is the period in which humankind is going to attempt to mature to our next level of consciousness. This is, in part, to save our collective asses, and it has already begun. If you have not encountered the work of Jean Gebser and Duane Elgin, I also recommend these authors.

We do need to understand the stakes - and to think in terms of what can be predicted over the next 40-some years. It ain't gonna be pretty, but, if we are extraordinarily fortunate, our suffering may become the birth pains that will accompany our becoming a new species.

I can only share my belief that this view can provide us with much-needed perspective - and that it is wise for all of us to keep a very open mind.

Submitted on Monday, Aug 26, 2024 at 10:34:37 PM

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Steven Jonas

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Thanks to both Mr. Gelbond and Mr. Gambihler. They both add important considerations to the discussion, esp. for the long term. But, I should think that they both would agree that we could not get to those considerations unless in the short term the Trumpublicans are defeated in November (and January).

Submitted on Sunday, Aug 25, 2024 at 6:04:23 PM

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Blair Gelbond

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Reply to Steven Jonas:   New Content

Thanks for your thoughts, Steve.

As I see things, we truly are living at a time which can be described as "the end of a paradigm" - and the end of an entire mode of consciousness (per Gebser, Bache, and Elgin).

From my perspective we need to become much more knowledgeable and sophisticated about two matters - the existence and efficacy of Grace and what the evolution of consciousness is all about. I'm not saying that the average voter would be interested in these ideas. However, anyone who truly wishes to understand the dynamics of this time, IMO, would be wise to learn more about, for lack of a better world, our spiritual depths.

This is also a consequential time full of paradoxes. Voting for a candidate with great integrity and who is not beholden to moneyed interests is an admirable ideal. But in a bizarre twist, doing so may be an act which contributes to the destruction of humankind.

Submitted on Sunday, Aug 25, 2024 at 10:43:26 PM

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Steven Jonas

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You're welcome, Blair and thanks for your further thoughts. Best wishes, Steve

Submitted on Monday, Aug 26, 2024 at 10:34:13 AM

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Blair Gelbond

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A last note on voting for Jill Stein.

Some of us who insist on doing what is good, right and ethical (= voting for J/S) may be suffering from a repression and denial of what Jung called "the human shadow." That is, the parts of ourselves that we despise and reject - and therefore relegate to the dark, hidden realms of our psyche.

...For example, our own authoritarian, anti-democratic, even dictatorial - motives, feelings, thoughts. Let's face it, growing up in Control Culture, we have absorbed these thought-forms, even if subliminally,

Unless we can own and acknowledge these darker parts of ourselves (our "inner Hitler," if you will) they will continue to leak out in unexpected and often destructive ways.

In this scenario we are able to maintain a self-image of being a good and pristinely ethical person, while making a hidden contribution to Trump's campaign to become "da Fuhrer."

Submitted on Monday, Aug 26, 2024 at 1:56:14 PM

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Blair Gelbond

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Peter writes:

'Voting for any candidate who is not explicitly committed, and credibly so, to ending arms shipments to Israel for their mass murder campaign, would be selling my conscience. I will never vote for any candidate who will allow my taxes to pay for genocide, period."

And, that it is inappropriate to "quibble" about a third-party candidate (i.e., Jill Stein) being a spoiler.

My response is that humans on planet Earth face much more than a genocide. We face ecocide and "gaia-cide." We need to take Trump's sociopathy (actually psychopathy) very seriously.

This is a man who, driven by his dark, Hitler-like passions, could easily "bring it" - leading to the near extinction of humankind and massive destruction to the biosphere.

Repugnant as the Gaza genocide is, we cannot afford to relate to this election on a one-issue basis. There is no question that, eventually, in one form or another (and certainly karmically) Israel will be held accountable.

But do we want our "integrity" to move us closer to what life will be like with a destructive psychopath at the helm - his conscious and unconscious hatred and contempt leading the charge?

For now, we can see that in the short run, Harris will feel the need and mandate to represent "the good." This would predictably mean leading the world toward non-suicidal outcomes. Whether she will be able to stay this course in the face of a transnational cabal committed (literally) to world domination remains to be seen.

It is an absurd reality of this time and this election that "voting one's conscience" may lead to the near extinction of humanity. In an ideal world this would not be the case, but this is not the world we live in. Whether we recognize it or not, these are the stakes.

A note for Steve Jonas:

I would invite you to see John Hawkins' OEN interview on the transnational elite ("The Nazis, et, al,"). I believe it might help you expand your already quite valid perspective.

Submitted on Tuesday, Aug 27, 2024 at 1:14:14 PM

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