A recent retiree from Homeland Security just confirmed to me that all the stories I’ve been hearing about the Government building large detention facilities all over the Country is very true. John McCain states we need to use the same tactics they are using in Iraq against crime in this country; that tactic being sweeping up large numbers of innocent people and holding them in long-term detention in hopes of finding one guilty of something. Now, I catch news stories that the Third Infantry Division is going to be trained in quelling “domestic violence”. You can bet that they don’t mean spousal abusers!
So this begs the question: What “domestic violence” and “crimes” are they planning for?
The answer is apparent and simple. THE CRASH is coming and they know it because they are bringing it. When the food riotors, protest marchers and disgruntled workers take to the streets the way they did in the Great Depression, the Masters (Adam's Smith's term for those who control industry) will be ready. We will not have a repeat of the rampant Socialism of the 1930s. We will not have the re-regulation of the “Free” markets. We will have security and martial law. The New World Order promised by Hitler, Bush I and Bush II will be complete. And all it takes to make this happen is THE CRASH. THE CRASH is so easy to engineer all you need do is bankrupt this country’s economy.
Why, you may wonder, would the corporate masters bankrupt our economy? The very real and sinister answer is that they are in the process of doing what they have dreamed of since the 1930’s. World control. They will be able to destroy Social Security. After all, our bankrupt economy can’t afford it. It will not be able to afford Medicare, Medicaid, or any of the Socialist programs spawned the last time they tried their “free market” world out. Then the social vermin will persish without the social programs. Every worker will be dependent on they place they work. They will have no place else to turn. Economic slavery will be their lot.
This time the Masters will consolidate and reconsolidate the wealth thru bailouts and mergers. They have already saddled the taxpayers with untold Trillions of debt we can never pay. The true cost of the Administration's attempts at “saving” the financial markets was never revealed, but Mr. Kucinich’s main economic advisor estimates it's already at least 5 Trillion dollars and could be as much as 16 Trillion dollars. That is until the new 900 Billion dollar cash bailout.
The debt will crush the taxpayers and their paltry democracy. This time they will win. They have the private armies, the Government forces under their control, and the holding capacity for all those who would resist. The New World Order will be upon you. You will be assimilated.