If you knew this was your last day on earth, would you change?
That is something we all need to ask ourselves and be honest with the answer. What will it take to make us change?
What would we have to give up to change? Why should we change? Will change make a real difference?
I'm a person that believes in the power of the people and what we can achieve if we're on the same wavelength. I believe if we all got together and prayed for something we really wanted, we could get it. I believe we are all connected mentally to make good things happen. I believe it's all "mind over matter" in this world and that with our minds, we can do things that matter.
But we must realize that as much good there is among us, there is the same amount of bad.
We have suffered for many years in this country even though all of us have not suffered. The little people, the peons, the non-wealthy, the unhealthy, the weak, disabled, physically challenged, and the ignorant or uneducated people are the ones who have suffered the most. They are the ones that everybody else can throw away and totally discard for their own immediate comforts. People who have nothing in this country will always be without because those with something could care less about them.
People who have been educated to make good money don't care about those who have not, and it doesn't matter why they have not sought the education needed to survive. Ignorant and poor people are deemed lazy, and unworthy of consideration. But unless you can walk a mile in another man's shoes, you cannot possibly understand why he is where he is at that particular moment.
If you believe in anything other than yourself, you must believe there is a superior power somewhere that has made all of this possible in the first place. I know a lot of people do not believe in God and are in essence Godless, like Anne Coulter for instance.
But those of us who feel there is something mightier than we, the people, feel that there is a purpose to it all. I feel the purpose is for us to "love one another" and "do for one another" like we would do for our families because we are all one big family anyway. If we could love the guy hunkered down in a corner under a bridge, cold, hungry, and stinking, we could change our world. How wonderful it would make me feel to be able to get that man up, bring him home to a nice warm shower, clean clothing, set him down to a table for a full complete meal, and let him relax in an easy chair just for one night. How blessed I would feel. Then I would talk with him and see what it is he likes to do or is good at doing, and help him find that thing that God gave him for survival sake and get him situated in making a living for himself.
That, to me, is a neighbor, a friend, a child of God. If I ever won a lottery, I know that's what I would do with it -- find the lost souls who need compassion and the necessities of life in order to move forward.
Until we can find that within ourselves to help each other, we will all essentially be lost souls. And we need not be. We should automatically feel for someone who are in dire need. But with the boob tube ruling our lives, we have become so desensitized and incompassionate, inconsiderate, selfish and drawn within ourselves like nobody else exists, that we can't really see for looking anymore.
God loves us. I only wish we could love each other as much. Please click the link above and feel something! We are not automatons yet, so we should have feelings left. Let's find them and use them, please!
Your sister in love!