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Keith Olbermann Jan 2-- on Sacrifice and the McCain Bush Surge

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Fred F
Keith Olbermann, on MSNBC, (8-9 PM EST) gave a SPECIAL COMMENT to Bush, on sacrifice, saying everything and anything we wanted to say about Bush, he was clear as a bell. To Bush: "This is palpable nonsense... Sacrifice your intention, not more American lives" To Democrats: The equation is simple. The country does not want more troops in Iraq. It wants fewer. Go and make it happen or go and look for other work. My thanks go out to you Kieth, I wish more people had the courage you used on this story.
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I'm active in bull dozing down the axis of evil called the Bush Regime, Hi Bushler :) ex-merchant marine with a degree in IEEE. Bad habits: not proof reading things that I write. Folks get your tickets early, its going to be a sell out for sure ( (more...)
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Keith Olbermann Jan 2-- on Sacrifice and the McCain Bush Surge

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