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'Daily Voting News' For February 22, 2007

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Message John Gideon
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of VotersUnite.org According to an article in the San Francisco Chronicle, "San Francisco supervisors told representatives of a voting machine company Wednesday that the firm will need to publicly display details of the software it uses to count ballots in order to win a $12.6 million, four-year contract with the city. At a Budget and Finance Committee hearing, Supervisors Tom Ammiano and Chris Daly urged representatives of Sequoia Voting Systems of Oakland to place software codes for touch-screen voting devices and paper ballot-scanning machines on the Internet or in another public forum, so the public can review how the machines tabulate votes." "Steven Bennet, a Sequoia representative, said Sequoia won't agree to public disclosure [of source code on voting machines] since it would "jeopardize the security to all of our customers in California and across the country.-- ...
  • NAtional: Ask Congress to amend Holt Bill - HR 811 LINK
  • NAtional: John Bonifaz makes the case for amending Holt's HR 811 LINK
  • NAtional: Beyond the Voting Machine: Stealth Barriers to Voter Participation LINK
  • CA: Riverside County - Committee looks into Riverside County's electronic-voting system LINK
  • CA: San Francisco - Software fight delays use of high-tech ballots LINK
  • CA: San Francisco - Supes want to know how voting machines count Company balks at public disclosure, offers alternative LINK
  • CA: San Francisco - Sequoia Voting Systems Spokes**** Laugh Line of the Moment... LINK
  • FL: Her job is to improve Florida's voting woes Elections Director Amy Tuck will lead the change to optical-scan machines. LINK
  • FL: Volusia County - Diebold Examines Volusia Voting Machines LINK
  • GA: Concern growing for voters LINK
  • IL: Chicago - Lesson learned: Get more pens LINK
  • IL: Chicago - New procedures, tools should make election day glitch-free LINK
  • IL: Chicago - Board of Elections: Low voter turnout expected LINK
  • IL: Chicago - City Election Officials Say Voting Problems Fixed LINK
  • IN: Centers bring flexibility for voters Casting ballots in Richmond won't be Election Day-only option LINK
  • KS: Kansas Senate Passes Controversial Voter ID Bill LINK
  • NC: Buncombe County - Princeton professor buys Buncombe's old voting machines LINK
  • NJ: Voting activists demand constitutional paper trail: Sequoia vows to install voting-machine printers by next January LINK
  • OH: Editorial - Making sure votes count LINK
  • PA: Northampton County - Panel demands answers on voting machines LINK
  • RI: Bill would allow public to see rejected ballots LINK
  • RI: After election confusion, R.I. lawmakers unveil reform bill LINK
  • SC: S.C. coalition to take on electronic voting machines LINK
  • TX: Cost may stall ballot paper trail LINK
  • VA: GOP amendment to require ID for provisional ballot voters fails LINK
  • **"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or OpEdNews.Com**
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    John is the Executive Director of VotersUnite.Org
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