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'Daily Voting News' For April 15 and 16, 2007

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Message John Gideon
As reported by BradBlog, "While revelations surrounding the mysterious 18,000 "undervotes" in the November 2006 U.S. House election between Christine Jennings and Vern Buchanan in Florida's 13th Congressional district continue to inform the nation about the dangers of electronic voting machines, new information has recently come to light exposing a shocking lack of responsible oversight by those entrusted with overseeing the certification of electronic voting systems at the federal level.

"An investigation into what may have gone wrong in that election has revealed a serious security vulnerability on some, and possibly all, versions of the iVotronic touch-screen voting system widely used across the country. The iVotronic is a Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) touch-screen voting machine manufactured by Elections Systems & Software, Inc. (ES&S), the nation's largest distributor of such systems."

NAtional: Exclusive: ES&S Touch-Screen Voting Systems Found Vulnerable To 'Serious' Viral Vote-Flipping Attack; U.S. Elections Assistance Commission Refuses To Issue Warning

NAtional: Severe Insecurity in the ES&S iVotronic Electronic Voting System

NAtional: EAC Requests Review of Voter ID, Vote Fraud and Voter Intimidation Research Projects

NAtional: Open Letter to Congressman Ehlers

NAtional: Pending Election Reform in Congress Doesn't Give Citizens Right to Sue

FL: Academics Call Foul On Florida Test of Voting Machines

FL: FL-13 - Task force to look at Jennings' challenge
Panel meets Tuesday to review Southwest Florida congressional election.

FL: FL-13 - Congress to begin inquiry into contested Fla. House seat

MO: Carnahan wins federal lawsuit over voter rolls

MO: Federal Judge Finds Against U.S. Dept. of Justice in Missouri 'Voter Fraud' Case

NJ: Sussex County - Busy-bee election workers getting everything ready

NJ: Warren County - Warren at voting's cutting edge
Paper proof of tally. First N.J. county to be up and ready. Could serve as model for rest of state.

NY: Microsoft Says - We Won't Escrow

OH: Cuyahoga County - Bye bye to Cleveland GOP Election Chair Bob "Ballots for Bush" Bennett

OH: Cuyahoga County - Wanted: qualified people to rebuild Cuyahoga's elections system

OH: Cuyahoga County - Opinion - Brunner goes 4-for-4
click here

OH: Franklin County - Response to voter complaints over privacy: Extension cords

OH: Franklin County - $7 extension cords will boost privacy at polls, panel says
click here

PA: Court rejects state's protests to voting machine suit
click here

PA: Case Moves Forward Against Pennsylvania Voting Machines

PA: Electronic voting under legal scrutiny in the US

TN: State officials oppose paper trails for voting machines

VA: Virginia Bans New DREs in First Step Toward Verifiable Voting

WI: Voting officials work to fix flaw in the system
Bug leads to inaccurate reports

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John is the Executive Director of VotersUnite.Org
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