Guest Blogged by John Gideon of
Happy Mothers Day!
On Friday, not a day to announce good news in a press release, the EAC announced that Alice Miller, the Executive Director of the Washington DC Bureau of Elections and Ethics (BOEE), has been named to fill the post of Chief Operating Officer for the EAC. On the face of it this looks to be fine; however, Miller's appointment keeps the door between NASED and the EAC revolving. EAC officers and employees; Davidson, Wilkey, Hancock, and consultants; Freeman; were all involved in what can only be described as a failed voting system qualification system. Alice Miller was the head of NASED at the time that many of the failing voting systems were being qualified for use in our elections. ...
NAtional: EAC Selects D.C. Elections Director for Chief Operating Officer Post LINK
NAtional: Confusing ballot designs still plague elections LINK
NAtional: Editorial - Voter ID court ruling a barrier to ballot box LINK
NAtional: Opinion - Acorn's Head Attacks Voter ID Law LINK
NAtional: Following directions counts in vote
Recent recounts show voter errors can change tally LINK
FL: VA's voter registration ban raises questions LINK
IL: Help Us Bring Clean Elections to Illinois LINK
IN: Opinion - Voter ID laws go too far in Indiana LINK
IN: Porter County - County clerk seeks election help LINK
MO: Carnahan warns against Voter I.D. law LINK
OH: 3 counties in a spot over voting machines
Brunner has second thoughts on testing systems LINK
OH: Brunner talks about award, study of electronic voting LINK
OH: Butler County - Report on vote-counting mistake due this week LINK
TN: Pulaski County - Bassham Explains Going Over Budget LINK
VA: Human error at Chesapeake polls led to mix-up about who won seat LINK
WV: Ireland Wants Election Results Early and Without Problems LINK
Canada: North American Elections Officials to Observe New Brunswick Municipal Election LINK
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or OpEdNews.Com**