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Headed for a Train Wreck

Kenneth Briggs

Democratic campaign not going as planned-

With the Democratic Party nomination chase headed toward a train wreck, there’s a growing sense of disaster among Democrats that the primaries in two of the largest states of the country-Florida and Michigan- didn’t count toward delegates because of their rule-breaking primaries.

How to resolve the problem without raising a larger issue is the question facing state and national party leaders because it wasn’t supposed to happen this way. Democratic leaders assumed that when Florida broke the rules, a front-runner would quickly emerge, bulldoze through the remaining presidential primaries, and go through motions of accepting the nomination at the convention and by that time Florida’s transgressions would be forgotten.

Instead Super Tuesday came and went, and the upcoming states look to split down the middle. This campaign has been defying all custom, The polls have been wrong, money hasn’t always been decisive, and political machines haven’t always worked. It throws all the conventional wisdom out the window.

Short of Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama unexpectedly surging to a win in the coming weeks, the Democratic party, as Florida Senator Bill Nelson said Friday on the Senate Floor, is headed toward a “train wreck” if Florida and Michigan don’t count.


Beth Reinhard, Miami Herald, Bradenton Herald, August 10, p.9a

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An OEN Editor. Born-03/20/1934, BA Pol. Sci.-U of Washington-1956, MBA-Seattle U-1970, Boeing-Program Control-1957-1971, State of Oregon-Mental Health Division-Deputy Admistrator-1971-1979, llinois Association of Community MH (more...)
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