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Wisconsin Gets Huge Turn-out

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Michael Leon
Message Michael Leon
Updated 12:46 P.M. Central Time

Gay Marriage/Civil Union Ban Opponents' Mobilization Huge

The mobilization of FairWisconsin against the bigoted
anti-gay amendment is a sight to see.

In Fitchburg, Wisconsin, Ward 1 (a relatively low-turn out, working-class ward, next to Madison), large, black "Vote NO" door hangers are everywhere.

Cited and highlighted is the proposed amendment's language stating that "a legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized in this state."

Out-organized, outworked and just plain wrong, the bigoted forces for the anti-gay/civil union are looking impotent here. Stay tuned for results about 8:30 central time.

Wisconsin state election officials are predicting a huge turn out expected to exceed 50 percent statewide.

In the Unviersity of Wisconsin-Madison ward this morning, by 8:30 A.M., seemingly every busy street intersection was staffed by groups of democractic-sign-wavers, as well as "Vote No" signs against the proposed constitutional amendment banning gay marriage and civil unions.

Madison democractic headquarters and the pro-equal rights office were ablaze with volunteers and the energy level was euphoric, especially among young college-aged volunteers, a demographic expected to turn out and supply the winning margin for Democrats here.

MoveOn has been making 1,000s of calls, and in Dane County (Madison) democractic yard signs are everywhere.

Looking good here. Look here for updates through the night, inlcuding the 8th congressional district, rated a toss up for a turnover to the democracts.

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Michael Leon is a writer living in Madison, Wisconsin. His writing has appeared nationally in The Progressive, In These Times, and CounterPunch. He can be reached at maleon64@yahoo.com.
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