"We wouldn't be able to get enough people to count real ballots" is just bogus, when viewed in the context of all the energy and money the whole rest of elections are piled high with.
"These voting machines work."
"Well, they work well enough."
"They have been federally certified."
"They have triple redundancy."
"If anything was wrong, the logic & accuracy test would show it."
"If anything went wrong, it was the fault of the voters. They don't know how to vote."
"If anything went wrong, it was because the pollworkers did something wrong."
"Corporations own the counting software, and it's a trade secret, so citizens can't know it, or know about it. Same with the results of the certification testing."
"No one handles your ballots except election officials, and state police who transport them."
"Everything that might be vulnerable is locked up at all times."
"Vote by mail and absentee ballots solve all the security vulnerabilities of elections."
"Voting by email is convenient, and should be adopted because convenience is the most important thing about elections."
"If everybody got a receipt to take home with them, that would solve all the security problems. If somebody stuffed the ballot box with ghost votes ... oh, wait, that would never happen."
"Scanning a picture of each ballot and posting it online would be a slam dunk, easy, cheap solution to ballot security. Everybody checking their ballot later would be dependable. This would be so much easier than just having 5 citizens per 1000 voters hand-count the ballots in public the night of the election."
"No insiders ever attempt to steal anything valuable, and there is no serious threat to elections from hackers, candidates, officeholders, zealots of various kinds, foreign governments, or criminal organizations."
"If someone tried to steal an election, everyone would know."
"No one could steal an election except by a few votes, maybe a percent or two."
"There are only a few ways to steal an election. The electronic ways would be too difficult or costly for anyone except a very few people in the entire country."
"There is no way somebody with a flash drive could plug it into a DRE (electronic voting machine) and reprogram the entire election, leaving no trace of their theft."
"The media would be on an election fraud story like white on rice, if there ever were any election fraud. Everyone would know about it right away."
"The US Attorneys in the Department of Justice would investigate any hint of election fraud or substantial flaws."
"No money ever changes hands between vendors, election officials, and consultants that could be characterized as bribery. And election officials never approve a multi-million-dollar purchase order for new equipment from a vendor, then go to work for the company that just got the order."
"The Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice would investigate and prosecute any attempt to deprive minorities of their right to vote."
"If a close election for US Congress had obvious flaws, say, 18,000 voters whose votes did not register, then Congress would step in and prevent the dubious winner from being seated in Congress. Congress would demand a revote, or some meaningful resolution of the problem."
"If an election had obvious flaws, and was litigated, the courts would step in, and demand meaningful resolution of the problem."
"It's easy to find attorneys to take these cases, and they are quick and inexpensive to litigate."
"Recounts are easy, inexpensive, the ballots have a 100% safe chain of custody from Election Day to the day of recounting, and the recounts always prove that the election was clean and accurate. In fact, no one has ever been convicted of rigging a recount."
"It would be too costly to do elections right. This will have to do. What possible consequences could there be if the loser were allowed to take office?"
"There will always be long lines on election day. This has absolutely nothing to do with officials using DRE voting systems, which have the slowest rate of voters-per-hour of any system."
"The most important thing about elections is that the media get the results quickly, that night. And, electronic counting is always the fastest."
"DREs and only DRES work best for helping disabled voters vote."
"Optical scan elections are the gold standard, and because they have paper ballots paired with electronic tally systems, they cannot be stolen."
"There is no way somebody with a flash drive could plug it into an optical scan voting machine and reprogram the entire election, leaving no trace of their theft."
"What we really need more of is Voter Confidence. The crazy activists just stir things up, make people less confident, and discourage people from voting at all."
All of the above are false, at least part of the time. What we currently have is Voter Con instead of Voter Confidence. The country's "elected" officials have become unhinged and disconnected from what The People want.