They keep saying that when the Iraqis stand up we will stand down. Which Iraqis are they talking about? Do they think that we are fighting the likes of the Wehrmacht and the Luftwaffe? If so, I suppose that we will win once we have destroyed the Iraqi panzer divisions in Al Anbar, once we have shot down their jet fighters and heavy bombers, and once we have sunk all their battleships, and cruisers, and blown up all their subs in the Gulf.
Then we can close every road and end the danger from the IEDs. Then we can identify everyone suspected of being willing to be a suicide bomber and hang them with a long rope. And, if that doesn't work we can kick down every door in the country and shoot everyone living inside every building.
If the Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds are ever to agree on a unity government it will not happen as long as there is an American dominated Quisling government, a Shiite majority indebted to Iran. They need a lot of help establishing a truly united Iraqi government, and they wont get it as long as they are controlled by oil-addicted Americans.
All the neighboring countries in the Middle East need to get the leaders of Iraqs three competing factions in a meeting room and refuse to let them leave until they reach an agreement for a workable, fair, and just government, one that will function outside the American imperialist empire.
Unless something like this happens Iraq will continue to be a slaughterhouse, not only for Iraqis but also for the American military. Don't be surprised if your grandchildren serve in the army of occupation in Iraq.
(The author is a retired Florida educator.)