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When Liberals Conform

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Sarah Swatosh
Message Sarah Swatosh
Upon reading an article published by The Progressive, entitled, "Enough of the 9/11 Conspiracies, Already", I became extremely distressed with the overall feel of the author's tone. The article itself was written by a leftist and was making conspirators out to be fanatical, unrealistic fools; giving democrats a bad name and possibly harming us in the upcoming midterm elections. In reality however, his article was more of a "shut up and don't ask questions" kind of order that was very conforming and quite unfitting for a magazine entitled "The Progressive." It is reasonable to observe evidences and then come to your own conclusion and beliefs. It is unwarranted, however, to say, "Do not ask the questions."

Inspiring and uplifting in his article were the sheer amount of comments made afterwards from concerned people who were appalled at the article's intent and suggestions. Not so much for Rothschild's lack of interest in the basic factual evidence, but of his alarming mindset that we would be more progressive just sitting aside and accepting more deceit as basic standard truth. A leftist is suggesting, to other liberals, to take what we are spoon-fed and relinquish our democratic and patriotic right to ask questions and demand answers.

Why this is so alarming is because this Nation as a whole has slowly collapsed into this extremely disquieting and widely accepted viewpoint that at a "time of war" certain rules, laws and questions once protected and forbidden by the constitution are now acceptable to disregard. If the power of Democrats and Republicans no longer poise with those strong checks and balances embodied in the U.S. Constitution, what hope can we possibly have that someone will stand up with a voice of reason?

When the administrations opposing perspective is one of indifference and marked irritation with those who express valid concerns and their patriotic right to query, we move in an extremely dangerous direction where we no longer possess the right to demand information and resolve.

Whether the 9/11 conspiracies are fact or fiction is about as clear as a cost-analysis of the gains versus losses of the U.S. Patriot Act. When the Administration declines to release significant information that could sway its critics one way or another, we have no choice but to either believe off assertion alone, or to start independent searches and ask those essential questions.

When we have an Administration who has built its regime off lies, deceit, scare-tactics and fear mongering, believing the stories handed down to us by our elected (or semi-elected) officials appears to be asinine. By releasing videos at the Pentagon and the complete recordings in the black boxes, and by having a complete, full, independent investigation with satisfactory information revealed, the questions (or conspiracy theories) could easily be rectified. Just as how the release of information pertaining to how our rapidly decreasing liberties are justified by security gained, could bring added support to the Patriot Act and grant the President more freedoms to do "what it is he feels necessary to do." However, without these essential answers and without the disclosure of required information needed to resolve these issues, we have an absolute obligation as Americans to question the stories, assertions and fallacies handed to us by the Bush Administration.
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Sarah Swatosh is a student of Political Science and Journalism
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