Karen Fish of The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion said today: "Religion must be practical and a benefit to the people. AIDS is an epidemic sweeping the world today. Thousands of children and adults world wide are dying horrific deaths each day because of AIDS. In the Holy Bible God does not define murder. Does a sperm cell contain a spirit? If a billion sperm rush to fertilize an egg cell and fail have the parties committed murder? If a billion sperm cells rush to fertilize an egg cell and one succeeds but a billion fail have the parties committed murder?
The Roman Catholic Church is placing the life of a sperm cell ahead of the lives of the boy and girl engaging in sex. By banning the use of condoms they are handing a death sentence to the man and woman, boy and girl engaging in sex. They are also condemning the boy and girl to suffer from genital herpes and genital warts, the leading cause of cervical cancer among women. The Roman Catholic Church answers that abstinence is the answer. Abstinence then monogamy are the ideal solutions to the AIDS epidemic however our most powerful instinct is to survive by reproducing by engaging in sexual relations. Does it mean that children and adults who are unable to control their strongest drive must be sentenced to a life of Hell on Earth because His Holiness has banned the use of condoms? The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion strongly endorses the use of condoms to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS. Religion must be practical and a benefit to the people.
The Roman Catholic Church has just completed a study involving scientists and theologians to determine if the previous Popes were wrong, if perhaps condoms should be allowed. In 1616 Pope Urban VIII condemned Galileo to house arrest for saying that the Earth moved, because 5 times the Holy Bible states that the Earth does not move and it never will. In 1741 Pope Benedict XIV reversed the Church's position on Galileo. Hopefully the present Pope Benedict XVI will reverse the Church's position on condoms.
Religion must be practical and it must be right. As Jesus Christ the Jewish born Rabbi and Messiah of Christianity and Islam said, 'The truth shall set you free.' A little common sense wouldn't hurt either. The truth is that AIDS is carried by blood and sperm and rubber condoms are an excellent way of stopping the AIDS virus from moving from one person to another."