International — A new movie has dealt yet another severe blow to the credibility of US based Monsanto, one of the biggest chemical companies in the world and the provider of the seed technology for 90 percent of the world’s genetically engineered (GE) crops. The French documentary called, "The World According to Monsanto" and directed by independent filmmaker Marie-Monique Robin, paints a grim picture of a company with a long track record of environmental crimes and health scandals.As shock waves went around the globe, articles about the world's most evil corporation filled cyberspace. The film was added to Google and YouTube, but not for long. The movie has been pulled from both sites and no one has been able to get a statement explaining why. As news of food shortages creeps out it is getting more difficult for American media to keep the public in the dark. They have launched a major PR campaign featuring a fictional version of the effects the genetically engineered papayas have had on Hawai'i. Like the Golden Rice scam that heralded an answer to starvation with a product that was such an abysmal failure that even biotech was forced to acknowledge the truth. How could they not when it required eating twelve pounds of the genetically altered rice to get the Vitamin A in one cup of dark green or orange vegetables. Imagine if the billions spent on Golden Rice had been applied to planting food crops. But this isn't about feeding people it's about hungry corporations growing profits. This is about getting Hillary in the White House to continue the Clinton-Bush Biotech expansion and showing the world that no one swallows more %$#@ in the name of freedom than Americans! Number one on the google results is the link for the film in video but sorry, it's not there!! The World According to Monsanto (see link below). None of this comes a a surprise to followers of Monsanto. Delay, deny, destroy or buy is their strategy and it serves them well. Since 1999 I have tracked the the legislation, politics, science and spin surrounding the genetically altered crops that make Monsanto's new global empire. Frustration with the American media ban pushed me to do my own documentary film. Released in 2007, Ready Nation is named for the effects of the unspoken, toxic policy eroding our freedoms, health and natural resources at an alarming rate.