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Pimps in the Pulpit: FLDS Warren Jeffs & other Hucksters

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Sharon Roach
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When I look at what is going on with the FLDS and many other religions I can’t help but see the pimp in the pulpit pattern getting stronger and stronger.

Three women of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) have sent a letter to Texas Governor Rick Perry seeking his help for over 400 children who are now in custody for allegations of abuse. The Yearning for Zion compound was raided and the children seized after a 16 year old called a domestic violence center for help. FLDS children are now in protective custody undergoing questioning and examinations. Mothers are claiming that the children are becoming sick and some even requiring hospitalization since being in custody and fear the whole experience will scar them for life. Some 139 FLDS mothers are in custody with the children voluntarily.

I can’t help but think that FLDS lawyers have put these women up to this in order to garner sympathy and hopefully the return of the children and continuation of their Yearning for Zion compound. Forget that underage girls are forced into marriage. The sect believes that marrying these young girls often as young as 12 years old will help to bring glorification in heaven. This is a bunch of bunk used to justify the actions. Yes, the law is doing its usual heavy handed tactics but when it comes to the welfare of young children, the abuse of women and the casting out of young boys into homelessness, I have no mercy for this religion.

Unfortunately, the very model of organized religion makes it easy for conmen to mislead groups of people. The pimp in the pulpit imagery that is conveyed and supported in some religious worship services invites abuse. SOME Pastors, preachers, evangelist, ministers and prophets are looked upon as the mouthpiece of God and people believe every word without question that falls from their mouth. A lot of what has and is still being pushed from the pulpits is propaganda used to control member’s lives and minds. The leader of the FLDS, Warren Jeffs and the leaders before him told the followers all kinds of lies to keep them nestled together, keep them from thinking for themselves. However, Warren Jeffs is not alone.

It wasn’t so long ago that another religious leader was found guilty of abusing young children and encouraging it among his secretive cult. Dr. Malachi Z. York founder of the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors was sentenced in 2005 to 135 years in federal prison for molesting 13 children. He operated a 476 acre compound in Putnam, GA and fed his following a mixed batch of ideologies borrowing from Native Americans, Judaism, Christianity, Melchadezek mysticism and Ancient Egyptian mysticism. He formed the church in the mid 1970s in Brooklyn, NY after serving a sentence in prison for robbery.

Like the founder of the FLDS, Warren Jeffs, Dr. York has preyed upon his member’s hopes and fears promising them a better life as he led many of them from New York to Georgia to a secluded site just like the Yearning for Zion Ranch Compound of the FLDS. He ended up molesting 13 young boys and girls whose parents were members of his church. Dr. York also advocated multiple wives like the FLDS. He managed to persuade young teenage boys and girls that it was their duty to help him seduce even younger children. If the young kids pleased him they received shopping trips and if they didn’t them and their families suffered.

The FLDS and Dr. York’s church are just two churches that have been caught with their pants down; there are countless other religions and churches that are probably doing far worse things. It’s a terrible thing that in this modern age we are allowing the hands of the clock to be turned back on human rights by allowing religious cults like this to flourish and corrupt young minds and bodies. There must be more education on how to detect and avoid brainwashing techniques. A person would have to be extremely brainwashed to allow their children to be raped and married.

Do you remember the infamous Rev. Ike who bilked people out of millions as he sent them plastic glow in the dark crosses and told them to wrap a $20 bill around it and send it back to him and he would bless them with more money but they had to do it within 24 hours or it wouldn’t work. People actually fell for this crap! At his church in New York, instead of blessing the sick and the lame his members pull up their Cadillac’s outside the building and he conducts a “blessing of the Cadillac’s”. He was later accused of fondling and sexually harassing a young male member of his following. His staff members have known for years that he has special interest in young boys even though he has a family. As far as I know Rev. Ike didn’t practice or advocate polygamy or abusing young girls but he certainly was a master pimp because he was able to make the people fork over cash for his healing necklaces, plastic crosses and sacred wash clothes.

As long as we allow pimps in the pulpit to flourish and grow we will continue hearing about people being abused and violated. It is imperative that people learn to analyze, research and critique everything presented to them so that they don’t be mislead. I maintain that you don’t have to belong to any religious organization to know God or to be spiritual.

I invite you to visit my website www. Sistersharon.net

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Concerned world citizen, spiritual woman of God, author and activist.
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