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Stephen Fox
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Please help us get this resolution passed by making one call to the Health Committee Senate Chairman, Senator David Ige.

Your urgent help is needed with Senate Resolution in Hawaii, Senate Concurrent Resolution 191, in which Hawaii Senate and House ask FDA Administration and Commissioner to Rescind Approval for Aspartame

Please call Senator David Ige, Chairman of the Senate Health Committee to ask him to schedule this as soon as possible, so that your own personal testimony can be included in this important decision. This is the strongest legislative document ever written on Aspartame; it will have an enormous effect on many states and nations, as well as the FDA, when it is passes the Senate and House. Right now it is stalled and hasn't been scheduled for the past 15 days. May 1 the Hawaii Legislative session is over, and this Resolution will die with it, IF YOU CAN'T OR WON'T MAKE ONE PHONE CALL TO HAWAII SENATOR DAVID IGE.

phone 808-586-6230; fax 808-586-6231

We can explain later to you how to official register testimony, which can not be done until this Resolution is properly scheduled. They are considering over 1000 bills, so please be patient with the Senator's staff! This Resolution is very important to me, because I wrote it.

His co-chair on this joint committee is the Chair of Intergovernmental Affairs, Lorraine Inouye, and if you really want to press our point, please call her and leave a message as well:

Phone 808-586-7335; Fax 808-586-7339
From the Big Island, toll free 974-4000 + 67335

This is a recently published article, an interview with Dr. H.J. Roberts on the proven medical harm done to diabetics, the last people who should be ingesting a chemical metabolized as methanol and formaldehyde, yet they are the first group doctors are likely to recommend the use of aspartame, especially in Hawaii, which has a terrible problem with diabetes amongst Native Hawaiians.


The article refers to a House Resolution, HCR 132, by Rep. Josh Green, M.D., which is also stalled in another joint House Committee. This is a good, low key, and somewhat predictable resolution in that it creates an aspartame task force in Hawaii, with a House and a Senate Member and a few important others, but the Senate Resolution is far more important to get some national and international momentum behind it; it is a major policy statement which can be translated into many languages in many nations, as well as clearly reintroduced in other state legislatures in 2008 and in 2009.

Senator Ige's staff has asked me several times when I called: "Why do you care about what happens in Hawaii?" I hope you can come up with your own answer to that, in advance of dialing that very vital number.


If you are able to call the equivalent house committee chair, his name is Kyle Yamashita, and he is at:

phone 808-586-6330; fax 808-586-6331
From Maui, toll free 984-2400 + 66330

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