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How Big is the U.S. Appetite?

By Barbara Tutor  Posted by Barbara Tutor (about the submitter)       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   No comments

Barbara Tutor
Message Barbara Tutor
Have you ever pondered the question, "How big is your appetite?" It is difficult to uncover insatiable cravings that never achieve satisfaction? This condition is not limited to food, drink, or sex. Nor is it simply a personal peculiarity. Gluttony can become a social condition more contagious than bird flu.

President Bush confessed to the world recently that, "WE have an addiction to oil." The obvious implication being that, "We the people of the United States are gorging our Limos, Hummers, SUV's, etc., and driving around like a bunch of wild drunks." Unfortunately, the president's only solution is to drill for more oil in our national parks and find more substitutes for oil that our farmers can grow and we can consume. But Bush's statement on the U.S. Energy Program is much too generalized and shallow to fully convey his true message.

A deeper analysis exposes a clearer Freudian meaning. 'WE' is the small exclusive group with whom the president identifies and for whom the president serves. 'WE' is a fraternity of wealthy white male corporate elitists. It is obvious that this Machiavellian faction, many of whom made their fortunes in the oil industry, is addicted to much more than oil. 'Wealth and Power' is the addictive game of these reckless gamblers. Like all competitive manly sports, there are highs and lows, but there's always the next game. And like Viagra, 'the next score' is the excitement that keeps the grasp extended. Bush and his minions have completely ignored the obvious, 'reduce consumption.' This omission is most revealing, coming from fundamentalists who preach abstinence to women as a means of birth control.

Is it any wonder that such a duplicitous mindset of addiction and gluttony become the golden arches of the society these guys dominate? This freewheeling group is the archetype that sells a lifestyle to the less fortunate multitudes, the workers-consumers. Every image and icon conveys the golden arches message. Gluttonous Fat Cats are symbolic of the privileged corporate elitists who set the style for U.S. Society and the lowly extended culture.

According to the Institute for Policy Studies and United for a Fair Economy's Executive Excess report (2004), at the 367 biggest companies, average CEO pay was at $11.8 million, as compared to $27,460 for the average worker. The 431-to-1 ratio is up from 301-to-1 in 2003. In 1982, the ratio was 42-to-1. Around most of the industrialized world, the ratio is closer to 25-to-1. These statistics show an accelerating trend in gluttony and abuse at the highest level of our social hierarchy.

War on Terrorism is the impetus for disproportionate CEO bonus dollars, through outsourcing workers' jobs to global affiliates, and profiteering at U.S. taxpayers' expense. The 'Military-Industrial-Complex' is the premiere public-private partnership fix, guaranteed to pump money from the public treasury directly into the veins of corporate war profiteers. This addiction has a direct and devastating impact on the entire social fabric of the United States. A vast propaganda apparatus is used to instill fear and patriotism in the public and to exert false-pride in military forces needed to carry out the brutality of war. Children absorb violence and bullying tactics from social indoctrination to worship at the altar of war games. All U.S. taxpayers become enablers of the war addiction. War on Terrorism is a game of endless gluttony that will bankrupt our country and cause irreparable harm to future generations.

Addiction is a serious problem and must be brought under control before the monstrous serpent swallows its own tail. The victims in this horror scenario are not only us U.S. citizen-taxpayers, but also the royal head. In other words, the serpent will consume itself. It's a 'lose-lose' game.
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Barbara Tutor is a Social Activist, Writer, Systems Analyst, and Nature Lover residing in Wild Wonderful West Virginia.
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