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A FEMA Camp Called Home

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Barbara Peterson

Why would sane people willingly go to one of the numerous FEMA camps that exist across the U.S.? Answer: Because they are starving, have lost their homes, have no employment prospects, and literally have nowhere else to go.


The emphasis in the news of late on the Police State that is coming our way outlines the brutality that the “authorities” are using and are about to use on we the people, who are not of the “elite” class. Rounding people up to take them to FEMA camps is one scenario, and one that I believe is not unreasonable. However, I would like to step out of the box for a minute and take a look at the situation from another perspective.


Let’s look at New Orleans. One of the main disasters in New Orleans was the water. Another was the herding of people who had literally no place to go into detention facilities; excuse me, places of refuge. When they got there, these people were treated like rabble, then dispersed. People are still looking for dispersed family members that are who knows where. The poorer people literally gave up their freedom because they did not know what else to do. They had no homes, they were on the verge of drowning, starvation was looming, and the water was not fit to drink. Prime candidates for a FEMA camp; excuse me, place of refuge, experiment.


Now, let’s expand this picture to the coming depression. It is not over-the-top to look a bit into the future by looking into the past. It is 1929, and people are jumping out of windows. It is now 2008, or thereabouts, and people who have lost everything and do not know how to survive are running to the FEMA camps; excuse me, places of refuge, for food, shelter, and security.


The “authorities” do not even have to deploy force to a population that goes where it is supposed to willingly. With so many of us, which is the best method of operation? Yup, getting them to go willingly. By creating a situation that leads them to the right conclusions, you have your ready and waiting FEMA camps; excuse me, places of refuge, filled to the gills. The only thing required to start the process is a big enough catastrophe. Is a financial meltdown big enough? Just ask the poor people in New Orleans who were left with nothing when the water poured through town. They’ll tell you.

Copyright 2008, Barbara H. Peterson

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Barbara H. Peterson is retired from the California Department of Corrections, where she worked as a Correctional Officer at Folsom Prison. She was one of the first females to work at the facility in this classification. After retirement, she went to (more...)
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