It appears that such an effort is taking place in the news with regard to the rounding up of the unusual suspects in the car bombings and other supposed foiled plots this past week in the UK.
Notice that all the attention is on the group we have come to respect and trust most... physicians and other health care workers in the medical profession. Historically, it has been medical personnel who we have been able to look to in order to receive truth, compassion, and concern for our well-being. Universally, we have come to count on the medical profession to deal with us reliably - and to administer to our health.
In the case of the events this week in London and Glasgow, the eight individuals being made out to be villains who are being detained - with and without arrest - are reported to be primarily Islamic extremists within the medical profession.
For the public, moreover, the well-educated health professionals arrested in the case so far were a baffling departure from the images of home-grown Islamic terrorists implicated in past plots, who have often been people on the fringe of society with family roots in Pakistan."
According to several reports, those who know the detained and arrested physicians and medical workers are of the finest character, lead exemplary lives, and are the last people in the world anyone would have believed would carry out plots to harm others.
It doth appear that a monster is being created out of the image of Muslim doctors and health workers. Why oh why could this possibly be? Perhaps it is because those who we trust to bring us the truth about the devastating health effects of Uranium munitions used by the US, the UK and Israel (or Depleted Uranium, as it is often called) are (surprise, surprise!) physicians and health workers of Islam.
By discrediting the entire medical profession of Islamic faith, some measure of public doubt upon these professionals can be manufactured. In doing so, both the character and credibility of Muslim health care workers can be called into question when they issue reports concerning birth defects, miscarriages and still births, cancers, diabetes, immune system disorders, respiratory conditions, and other Uranium-related casualties caused by those waging radiological warfare against the Middle East.
When physicians and health care workers are demonized in the public’s perception as the newest radical, extremist "terrorist threat"? Then this population, consisting of those who speak up and out most passionately - and with the most authority and first-hand knowledge about the radiological crimes being committed against humanity in Iraq and Afghanistan - can far more easily be discounted as suspect.
When the truth needs to be suppressed, the messengers of truth apparently need to be destroyed. Thus, the vilification of Muslim doctors and health care workers fully “fits”. In this manner, the message of truth concerning health effects caused by radiological weapons of indiscriminate effects that are causing untold suffering in the Middle East can be effectively destroyed.
For those who conduct these radiological wars - and the psychological operations that go with them - the thinking is that if the truth hurts? Destroy the messenger and pray that the problem (i.e., dissemination of that truth) will go away.
We can only pray -" to the God, Goddess, or Allah of our choice -" the people of the world are not so facile as to be sucked into the purposeful manufacture of mistrust in the professional medical community of Islamic faith. For if given the choice between having faith in our medical healers or faith in those who wage wars against innocents? One must believe that the international community will be able to make the only right and logical choice.