Acts of Fortitude and Integrity of Impeachment
Obama is not putting forces together to impeach Bush and Cheney. He will make himself a deceiver if he supports impeachment when he said he wouldn't. Just like he said he didn't vote for the Iraq war but continually votes to fund it. He has emailed me telling me his opposition to Impeachment. He clearly supports the Constructionist View of Avoidance.
People who advocate fear threats in order to prevent Impeachment proceedings are not going to stop the inevitable. And that is when we have the Bush Administration see how Impeachment will help their party and America politically. Our contracted history shows quite a hypocritical America in concern to bringing justice to the Executive Branch. America is showing its colors of dysfunction in applying Justice to Administrations who have clearly broken the law while they managed to have gotten away with it.
All sitting Presidents from Harry Truman and after have all lied to the American people, and at the cost of American lives. Yet the governing body is impotent toward bringing justice to innocent injured parties. Foreign countries in the world know this and are skeptical toward practicing real Democratic principles.
We should not fear to be attacked with violence because of Impeachment to the American people. This seems to be a major factor in the issue toward our Democratic process. In fact Democracy needs to accept Impeachment as a way of settling issues of law that give administrations an out in concern to providing Justice toward their mistakes during the course of their terms in office.
Another real reason why we have not seen Impeachment is because we have never been able to clearly think how it is successfully applied. Is Impeachment a bad thing, for the sitting President or a good thing?
People who fear Impeachment are not dealing with logic, or hope. Our first objective is to assure Bush and his administration that it is in the best interest of the nation. This will be the first successful Impeachment in America's history.
Think of what that means. It will clean the slate; so to speak from past criminal administrations. The threat to terrorism will diminish. Other foreign governments will change their attitude toward the US; with the likely result in more governments wanting to govern with Democratic principles. We can show that Democracy is not made from force, but by principles and law. Those who believe otherwise are on a course of continued animosity, threats, and belligerence.
Look at Pakistan for the moment. Granted Mrs. Bhutto was assassinated, and it was a violent act because she was actively seeking to oust Mushareff. Also it was an election process that had Impeachment overtones. Her assassination may have been prevented if people realized that Impeachment was not a bad thing or condition to sitting political leaders in power.
If Mushareff was assured in showing him why he should allow his Impeachment for his own benefit, and the country, then I am sure Bhutto would not have been assassinated. Pakistan was able to vote and form a new Parliamentary Government and begin to be able to replace Mushareff without using violence from their side.
Mushareff a military dictator has had control of the country for years, using acts of Marshall Law. But the people of Pakistan continued their nonviolent struggle and have finally defeated Mushareff. They are getting back their Democratic Government. Now the Bush Administration has all along been supporting Mushareff. I call it the Bushareff Regime, but Bush is unable to stop the new Real Democracy now developing in Pakistan.
Pakistan of all places in the world is now becoming the first Real Democracy, in having defeated a Military Dictator without the use of force, but with courage and devoted perseverance to the struggle. They are succeeding in this before America has reached this achievement. As far as Impeaching Mushareff, it is not seen yet, but the gloves are off when it comes to Bush and his Administration for supporting oppression in Pakistan instead of supporting Democracy.
America should be following similar principles. Bush and Cheney and the CIA are not going to like it at first, but they need to take the medicine, because of their truly mistaken deeds. Granted they took out Saddam, but they must be held accountable for the innocent children and families they had a hand in killing. They will blame Saddam, but it was not a Saddam bomb that killed those innocent people in Iraq. It was American made, and delivered. It was American weapons that originally armed Saddam, and American policies that incited the region into volatility. We hold responsibility for the injuries of the innocent.
The fact that the Kurds have been in a protracted long term civil war with Turkey in border skirmishes happen all the time. Who is to say Turks did not kill Iraqis thinking they were Kurds and blamed Saddam? Who is to say Kurds didn’t kill Iraqis to assure they had a place to inhabit and occupy while they fought the Turks, and then conveniently blame Saddam. Our intelligence in Iraq was not right about WMD, and we are to think the Bush administration knows the real facts to people killed in North Iraq while others blame Saddam?
These are mistakes. They are real mistakes that this administration needs to accept for their misjudgments. Impeachment is there to solve that impasse. I say to Bush and his administration to take the medicine. Do not threaten to prevent the need for Impeachment. The sentences will not include execution or the death penalty. We will take care of you.
They need to think in the future, when they are old and die to this world; what kind of America will it be if they do not have Impeachment? There will be the constant animosity, the constant division and probably the same foreign outlook from countries who do battle with the USA instead of being supportive and nurturing the USA.
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