We have to be suspicious of anyone who's willing to spend one-hundred million dollars to get a job that pays less than half a million. There's something wrong with that.
There a benefit for us in the candidates campaigning for two years. That's more than enough time for them to make it perfectly clear how unsuited they are to be president. We'll get to hear them deny that they said that while looking at the tape showing them saying that, and countless other opportunities to make fools of themselves.
With the mood of the country at seventy percent disproval of Bush's war, the candidates who voted for his war are in a McCarthyistic bind: Are you now, or have you ever been a Bush supporter? They're mouthing moralistic and ethical platitudes, trying to explain away and offer pathetically inadequate solutions to the mess they helped create.
It's fit and proper that the Bush supporters, present and past, Republican and Democrat, have been made fools of by the fools they have supported. It has a kind of ironic symmetry.
We can view them with skepticism, look down our noses at them with disdain for their indiscretions, and suffer a pleasurable shiver of schadenfreude at their discomfort.
There are only three required qualifications to be president, having to do with age, citizenship and residency. Strangely, there are no required disqualifications to be president, such as swaggering, smirking, strutting, hypocrisy, deceit, lying venality, mendacity and the most important disqualification, wanting to be president.
Of all the candidates, only one has even one qualification to be president. Hillary lived in the White House for eight years and knows where everything is. She won't waste a lot of time wandering around looking for the bathroom. That puts her way ahead of all the others.
Aparently the candidates are unfamiliar with such things as overexposure, strained credulity, had enough, sick and tired of it. We now know everything we want or need to know about the candidates. We hear about every candidate, every day, ad nauseum. We don't need to hear anything more from them from now until the election. They would be better off by staying silent until the week before the election, limiting the time to demonstrate why they shoudn't be president from two years to only a week.