Let us for one moment go along with the administration's highly suspect charge that Iran is delivering arms to Iraq. Let us say that the insurgents are accepting these arms. Just exactly what is Iran getting in return for this "help"? Is it in Iran's best interests to arm the insurgents? If it is then why is it? What will the fighters outside of Iraq's elected government do for Iran what the predominantly Shiite government can't? Is Iran giving these weapons away just to increase the American body count? How will that help the nation of Iran that has two carrier groups floating offshore? If you were the President of Iran, would you be delivering arms with serial numbers that can be traced back to your government? Think about it.
Meanwhile, let's look at the veracity of the people making these charges, our own intelligence services. The very same people that brought you "Iraq: The Reckoning". What did we find when these same intelligence sources told us that Saddam Hussain was manufacturing chemical and biological weapons? They also had drawings of the Iraqi chemical labs mounted on trucks that they furnished in a PowerPoint demonstration at the U.N. At that time they claimed to have unequivocal evidence that Iraq was producing these weapons. Here, in this display of weapons that supposedly came from Iran, we are given no sources for this material. According to The
New York Times:
"The officials were repeatedly pressed on why they insisted on anonymity in such an important matter affecting the security of American and Iraqi troops. A senior United States military official gave a partial answer, saying that without anonymity, a senior Defense Department analyst who participated in the briefing could not have contributed."
That last sentence saying; "that without anonymity, a senior Defense Department analyst who participated in the briefing could not have contributed." is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard a government official say. I could just as soon say this: "that without anonymity, a friend of mine who has impeccable credentials disclosed that he saw Bush and Cheney attending a reading of "Mien Kampf". Without anonymity, my friend could never have reported this." Does that make the statement any more credible? I think not. If it doesn't pass a rigorous and demanding investigation of fact, it shouldn't have been presented. This is exactly like believing a source that has knowingly lied over and over again asking to be believed because "this time we are telling the truth." Is that truth enough for us to claim that Iran is supporting terrorists?
What is incredulous is not that the administration is again presenting evidence of bogeymen in the closet, but the fact that they have lied to us time and time again and now they come prancing out into the media spotlight with more outrageous claims with nothing to back them up, and want us to believe them again. Even the Mainstream Media that will accept almost anything the regime tells them is having a hard time digesting this. I believe that for the administration to present anything so unbelievable, with such sketchy evidence, shows that they are desperate to prove their case and will do just about anything to press a military solution to their political problems. This is a time to keep a close watch on Bush and Co. Unless we are as vigilant as they are underhanded, we could find ourselves in another confrontation that will do nothing but spread across the Middle East and maybe the world. One thing you can bank on, unlike the administration, I don't make this stuff up.