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By       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   7 comments

James Cordray
Message James Cordray
The Contemporary "˜Left Wing Infantile Disorder' For decades I've envied Parliamentary forms of democracy where a small party of dedicated activists and organizers, whether Greens, Progressives, Vegetarians, Socialists, Communists, Trade Unionists, Gays, etc., can have real strategic impact in exchange for temporary support in Parliament of a major party. But alas, we have a two-party system not about to change. Currently the Republicans are the mean-spirited party of greed, war and religious intolerance as exemplified by their three presidential candidates. Like their Islamic counterparts, the "˜Fallwell-Robertson wing' wants to impose a theocracy on us. Huckabee advocates this while doing his down home Golly Gee Ah Shucks act. Will he reprise the role of Gomer Pyle Goes To Washington? Romney is their "greed is good" candidate and, given the chance, McCain will kill us all in a third World War. That's unless he forgets the secret nuclear code at the time of attack, or just has to pee again while we take incoming missiles. I'm his same age, so trust me on this. Conversely, the Congressional Democrats are the party of cowards and wimps in need of spinal transplants. Since the November "˜06 election, Pelosi and Reed have talked the "stand up to Bush and fight" talk, but each time the chips are down they fold. Each time Bush-Chaney says, "9-11, radical Islamic terrorists", or "support our brave American troops with billions more," the Congressional Democrats retreat to a corner of the room in the fetal position with their thumbs in their mouths, eyes tightly closed, desperately trying to remember the words to God Bless America. They shame themselves and shame the rest of us. But the truth is those are the only two voting choices in "˜08. So pick a side, Comrades. To act otherwise, like so many infantile left wing progressives, is to be a Political Baby. A Political Baby is someone who won't admit that voting for a third party is the same as voting for the Republicans, since your vote is one less they have to offset to win. Have you forgotten Nader the Traitor in 2000? He and the misguided that voted for him bear a lot of responsibility for the present day mess. Now some Political Babies want him to run again. Comrades, please! Take your meds. I speak up here not out of purity, but as a former Political Baby myself who once voted for the Peace and Freedom Party (didn't that turn out well). And who refused to vote for Humphrey out of "˜principle' and instead ran a pig named Pegasus for President, but a much bigger pig named Nixon won thanks to all the Political Babies at the time like me. Nixon, for god's sake! NIXON! Some Political Babies, wallowing in their own political purity will decide not to vote (like there are any virgins in electoral politics). What, you think that gets you the Muslim equivalent of 70 virgins in the hereafter? Not voting is wrong since it means your non-vote doesn't have to be offset for Republicans to win in "˜08. Do the math, Comrades. For those so-called progressives who say there isn't a dimes worth of difference between Republicrats and Demoblicans, you are quoting a racist third-party candidate, George Wallace. How progressive of y'all! You must be so proud. Consider: Staying in Iraq, starting a war with Iran VERSUS ending the war and stop killing people. Criminalizing abortion VERSUS a woman's right to choose. Spying on phone calls, emails, web searches, library books, all the unpatriotic Patriot Acts, ending habeas corpus VERSUS not doing any of this. Torture, water boarding, Gitmo, Abu Ghrab, renditions, secret CIA prisons, ignoring Human Rights Treaties VERSUS ending this madness. And what about Bush, Chaney, Rumsfield, Rice, Rowe, Libby, Gonzales and dozens more war criminals like them VERSUS their permanent departure. Even with the weak U.S. Dollar there seems to be at least a twenty-dollar difference between the parties, not jus a dime. Our choices are two fold: Door Number 1. Whine, snivel, b*tch and waste valuable time and resources in dubious battles of 1960's demonstrations like the anti-war Political Babies did in the 2004 election while the Republicans win. Instead of registering voters and turning them out on Election Day, they squandered untold hours and money to parade past the Republican Convention once, chanting feel good slogans. Strategic morons and tactical idiot are the quintessence of Political Babies. Door Number 2. Grow up and register all the Democrats you can and make sure they vote early and often this November. In 2008 voting for the lesser of two evils comes down to voting for three strike Republican felons, or misdemeanor miscreant Democrats. Otherwise, like it or not, you are helping the damn Republicans and I'll see you down the road in one of McClain's concentration camps. I'm told the guards will be social workers, that staff will wear white coats and speak politely during our interrogations. But if you are a Political Baby, don't ask me for any cigarettes. For decades I've envied Parliamentary forms of democracy where a small party of dedicated activists and organizers, whether Greens, Progressives, Vegetarians, Socialists, Communists, Trade Unionists, Gays, etc., can have real strategic impact in exchange for temporary support in Parliament of a major party. But alas, we have a two-party system not about to change. Currently the Republicans are the mean-spirited party of greed, war and religious intolerance as exemplified by their three presidential candidates. Like their Islamic counterparts, the "˜Fallwell-Robertson wing' wants to impose a theocracy on us. Huckabee advocates this while doing his down home Golly Gee Ah Shucks act. Will he reprise the role of Gomer Pyle Goes To Washington? Romney is their "greed is good" candidate and, given the chance, McCain will kill us all in a third World War. That's unless he forgets the secret nuclear code at the time of attack, or just has to pee again while we take incoming missiles. I'm his same age, so trust me on this. Conversely, the Congressional Democrats are the party of cowards and wimps in need of spinal transplants. Since the November "˜06 election, Pelosi and Reed have talked the "stand up to Bush and fight" talk, but each time the chips are down they fold. Each time Bush-Chaney says, "9-11, radical Islamic terrorists, or support our brave American troops with billions more," the Congressional Democrats retreat to a corner of the room in the fetal position with their thumbs in their mouths, eyes tightly closed, desperately trying to remember the words to God Bless America. They shame themselves and shame the rest of us. But the truth is those are the only two voting choices in "˜08. So pick a side, Comrades. To act otherwise, like so many infantile left wing progressives, is to be a Political Baby. A Political Baby is someone who won't admit that voting for a third party is the same as voting for the Republicans, since your vote is one less they have to offset to win. Have you forgotten Nader the Traitor in 2000? He and the misguided that voted for him bear a lot of responsibility for the present day mess. Now some Political Babies want him to run again. Comrades, please! Take your meds. I speak up here not out of purity, but as a former Political Baby myself who once voted for the Peace and Freedom Party (didn't that turn out well). And who refused to vote for Humphrey out of "˜principle' and instead ran a pig named Pegasus for President, but a much bigger pig named Nixon won thanks to all the Political Babies at the time like me. Nixon, for god's sake! NIXON! Some Political Babies, wallowing in their own political purity will decide not to vote (like there are any virgins in electoral politics). What, you think that gets you the Muslim equivalent of 70 virgins in the hereafter? Not voting is wrong since it means your non-vote doesn't have to be offset for Republicans to win in "˜08. Do the math, Comrades. For those so-called progressives who say there isn't a dimes worth of difference between Republicrats and Demoblicans, you are quoting a racist third-party candidate, George Wallace. How progressive of y'all! You must be so proud. Consider: Staying in Iraq, starting a war with Iran VERSUS ending the war and stop killing people. Criminalizing abortion VERSUS a woman's right to choose. Spying on phone calls, emails, web searches, library books, all the unpatriotic Patriot Acts, ending habeas corpus VERSUS not doing any of this. Torture, water boarding, Gitmo, Abu Ghrab, renditions, secret CIA prisons, ignoring Human Rights Treaties VERSUS ending this madness. And what about Bush, Chaney, Rumsfield, Rice, Rowe, Libby, Gonzales and dozens more war criminals like them VERSUS their permanent departure. Even with the weak U.S. Dollar there seems to be at least a twenty-dollar difference between the parties, not jus a dime. Our choices are two fold: Door Number 1. Whine, snivel, b*tch and waste valuable time and resources in dubious battles of 1960's demonstrations like the anti-war Political Babies did in the 2004 election while the Republicans win. Instead of registering voters and turning them out on Election Day, they squandered untold hours and money to parade past the Republican Convention once, chanting feel good slogans. Strategic morons and tactical idiot are the quintessence of Political Babies. Door Number 2. Grow up and register all the Democrats you can and make sure they vote early and often this November. In 2008 voting for the lesser of two evils comes down to voting for three strike Republican felons, or misdemeanor miscreant Democrats. Otherwise, like it or not, you are helping the damn Republicans and I'll see you down the road in one of McClain's concentration camps. I'm told the guards will be social workers, that staff will wear white coats and speak politely during our interrogations. But if you are a Political Baby, don't ask me for any cigarettes.
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Retired on Social Insecurity. Long time grunt in the war on poverty, racism and war itself.
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