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Our worst Enemy Is US

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Jeff Maehr
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It is time we held these people accountable for the high crimes and misdemeanors most in public office have committed, and take personal responsibility for our nation's shame.  When the bulk of our leadership is unconstitutional and criminal in nature, and the bulk of the People of America support such crimes, what does this forecast for our nation and freedoms? Can a nation survive when it becomes lawless? Show me one nation that survived the past when they behaved as our people are behaving today?

We don’t want taxes, but we vote for those who support unconstitutional taxation. We want safer streets and cities, but we fall for the lies about "gun control," and make schools and other areas "safe" from guns and end up with murders of helpless citizens and kids in those same "safe zones." We constantly complain about the economy and our income, yet we support unconstitutional spending, unconstitutional money, and those elected officials who claim they have the answer to helping our economy.

We complain about many things, and yet we allow millions of criminals to invade our country, causing many of the issues we complain about. They eat off our plate and steal our jobs and taxes, and we STILL have open borders and a worthless government doing nothing about it? Is this insanity or what?

If we choose a candidate that is a criminal... breaking their oath of office to uphold our rights and the Constitution, violating the Supreme Law of the land, and doing so willingly, then we deserve exactly what we’ve been getting, and we can expect to get even more of it because we don’t use our free will and God-given power and authority to stop them.

Lack of knowledge and rejection of law has destroyed many nations in the past, and America will be no exception. Our economy is being dismantled, our dollar destroyed, our rights taken under the guise of fighting "terrorism." The true terrorism is government officials acting above the law, subverting law, and making a mockery of the blessings and freedoms God has given us. If we condone this by voting for criminals, we will simply get more crime and less freedom.

Our nation has terminal cancer at this point, and the ONLY cure is twofold: First, for those who claim to be Christians, to turn back to the true God of life and the universe, and to retune our moral and ethical compass and get back to the Bible and its true teachings, not the myths many accept today as biblical.

Second, for all true Americans to get back to the Constitution and Rule of Law, and to relearn what it says and what our rights are. We must collectively do this or we will lose all we know and love in this country in the very near future. God will not be mocked forever. There is a stiff price for thumbing our noses at the very source of life and the universe. Our abundance was foretold thousands of years ago, but along with that blessing was a warning to not forget where it came from or we would fall to other nations and end up in slavery.

We were, and are, to be the example and light to the world, of cause and effect in our relationship with God. Whether that example is blessings or cursing is up to us, now, today. Either way, we WILL be an example to the world of the True God's power over mankind. Will we take back our country and restore the Rule of Law or decay away into a future that will pale any past destruction and suffering?

Free will and choice... have we learned anything yet?

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Jeff Maehr is a health and wellness professional and has been in natural health for 35 years, and is dedicated to educating people about the natural health system and how it can change your health and life. Dr. Maehr previously published a newspaper (more...)
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