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Quo Vadimus?

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Mark Sashine
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Where are we going?

  • Recently I read something strange: Laura Loomer says that 9/11 was an inside job. Laura Loomer is a raving lunatic : she needs help. But she says that? The liberal media, which laughes its ears off at the flow of garbage from Laura's mouth-ridicules this statement too? And from now and forever we, the liberals unite with the outrageous version that 19 folks with box cutters outsmarted everyone and downed the three skyscrapers. Who seems like a raving lunatic now?

  • 9/11 WAS an inside job. In the years 2001-2003 there was no honest person in the US, who would think otherwise. We witnessed the bloody paraphernalia that followed: the Patriot Act, the invasion of Afghanistan, the Gitmo shame, the Iraqi carnage, the Lybia and Syria pogroms-all those things are still " an inside job" and they still take place. now. It was Albert Camus, who said, "The past had not gone. It hadn't even passed. " But now it comes to us from the distorted lips of Laura Loomer and .. we reject the truth. How did that happen? Had we become stupid, cowardly or complacent?
  • It is not uncommon for the liars and lunatics to state the truth occasionally if it suits their purposes . Hitler was a Lie personified . But his statement that the 1919 Treaty Of Versailles was cruel, stupid and unfair -was accurate. When Hitler came to power, he issued a honorary medal to those European intellectuals who expressed the opposition to that treaty. Some of them even accepted that award. The interesting thing was that as soon as social -democrats of the time not only accepted that treaty but also never criticized the architects of it, the aura of "honest German" became to Hitler since then. The Big Lie became a beacon of truth for the Germans. Maybe now the same is happening due to the complacency of the anti-Trump forces? 9/11 is by far the the most important event in this century; whoever monopolizes the truth on it -becomes a prophet. We can pay by our lives for our stupid complacency.
  • I am not talking political gurus here: Lie is the religion of slaves and slave owners and they had sold their souls long ago. I am talking about us, the honest Americans who definitely could not be fooled by the idiotic version according to which Mohammed Atta, the alleged mastermind of the whole thing, on the day of the action resided in another state and had to fly to Boston in the morning. Through the whole history of mankind you can't find a precedent of such sort. What a crock of dung! But then it was us, who called the government version that way. Now this privilege shifted to Laura Loomer. It is a disaster of the curved mirror.
  • The law of human life is that lie has to serve the truth. It is a very old law, the foundation of our existence. Whenever this law is broken, whenever "truth you've spoken is twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools " per Kipling-the mayhem follows. It ensues the higher concentration of the "moronic evil" ( courtesy of Stephen King) and monsters come out. We must not allow that.
  • We stated that 9/11 was an inside job to not to allow our nation personify the world carnage. Not that we were very successful. But the seed was planted. Now we are facing the most horrible perspective -that our seed could be utilized for the evil purposes.
  • We must protect it. We must state that whoever tries to use the truth for evil is the worst possible being. We face a demonic possession by ignorance and malice. The demon laughs at us and uses us. Don't let him. We know what such demons can do.
  • Where are we going, folks? We must reclaim our path of righteousness and honor ASAP. Otherwise Laura Loomer's considerable mouth will swallow us all.

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The writer is 67 years old, semi- retired engineer, PhD, PE. I write fiction on a regular basis and I am also 10 years on OEN.

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This is a dire warning.

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There needs to be an unfettered International investigation of the 9/11 Crimes.

Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth.


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Richard Gage, AIA, Architect

Mission: With your help we will continue to educate the design & technical professionals, Congress, the media, and the public about the truth of the explosive destruction of the 3 World Trade Center Skyscrapers on 9/11, and to obtain a world-awakening unimpeachable investigation!


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