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What part of illegal, unconstitutional and treasonous don't people understand? Part 1

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Jeff Maehr
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What part of illegal, unconstitutional and treasonous don’t people understand? Part 1


Monopoly Money

The rule of law has guided nations throughout history, and when nations deviate from laws that benefit society, that nation falls. History is full of proof of this. America is presently violating the rule of law, and the very Constitution upon which it was founded in a multitude of ways. These violations are taking place at every level of government... Federal, State and local, but we’ve become blinded to these losses of freedoms and have accepted it all as normal and natural...the necessary evil of government, but this is a great lie. We will be covering a great many of these illegal and unconstitutional areas in this article series in the hope that people will wake up and stand together to remedy this insanity.

Let’s begin with the Federal Reserve (FR) and the American banking scam, the largest fraudulent confiscation of wealth the world has ever seen. Keep in mind that these facts are just an outline of the actual monster and that there is a vast amount of information to support it.

The Federal Reserve System is a private banking system, NOT a government agency. It is no more "Federal" than Federal Express. Just look in the phone book. It is a private collection of corporate banking firms and families which began defrauding Americans back in 1913, and which has continued to date. This system was allowed, even encouraged, by our government leaders so they could spend all the money they wanted without raising your "obvious" taxes. Where do you think the hundreds of billions of dollars suddenly comes from for an illegal war such as Iraq, especially when there hasn’t been a tax increase to support it? It comes from so-called "money," created out of nothing, and for which all Americans are saddled with interest... interest which ONLY enriches these banks and wealthy families.

Here’s how it works: The government wants to borrow money. The FR authorizes the U.S. Treasury to print this paper fiat money, or to "credit" the government’s accounts. Cost: about .02 cents for any size denomination, which the Federal Reserve pays for. This money, produced out of nothing except a digit on a piece of paper, is then loaned back to the government, with interest. Pretty good return on their money, wouldn’t you say? This debt is the "national debt." It is called counterfeiting by any other name, and the government is the greatest offender. It doesn’t stop there.

The interest alone over the past 94 years is in the trillions of dollars. However, you don’t think that these rich bankers are going to "lend" us money without collateral, do you? Of course not. Our "public servants" in government have fraudulently used you and me and every American born in this country, as well as our nation’s resources, as the collateral toward this fraudulent debt. In other words, you and your children collateralize this national debt by your life-long ability to work and pay the interest on this bogus debt through income taxation, and when that fails, your personal assets, or that of our national lands and other resources. It is an ingenious but diabolical scam that Americans allow and willingly serve. The term for it is nothing less than full blown slavery and most Americans have become comfortable in this slavery.

Virtually every loan, "credit" card account or mortgage in the country is part of this scam system and works in the same way... loaning so-called "money" to you which doesn’t actually exist, but you are charged interest for, and this "money," or credit, is actually manifested by your own signature alone, and NOT someone actually having real assets to loan. How is that possible? You go to a company for a loan because they told you they had "money" to loan. Most Americans believe this "money to loan" is sitting in some vault somewhere waiting to be "loaned." You sign the papers for this "loan." The loan company takes these papers with your signature to the Federal Reserve, (or uses them on future credit from the F.R.) and obtains the credit/money because of YOUR signature, and credits your bank account, charging you interest for "loaning" you. . . what? Nothing. Pretty slick sleight of hand, isn’t it?

In legal terms, this whole thing with loans is commercial fraud, and Conversion, and each and every "loan" that is under this scheme, and lacking this non-disclosure," or "full disclosure" regarding the contract you sign, is VOID under law... but you have to KNOW this, and act on it or you continue to be the victim.

It is a small part of the "Fractional Reserve" banking system whereby they hold a small amount of reserve currency, and loan out about 10 times that reserve, and collect the interest on these "loans" which don’t actually exist as real money. It is a racket, a scam, and the Mafia gangs are boy scouts in comparison. The "loan" money simply doesn’t exist except on paper, and they make money with no risk whatsoever.

How many people every day across this country lose their homes because they can’t continue to play this fraudulent game? How many lose their homes or business because these "loans" THEY secured by THEIR signature alone, and which has absolutely NO real financial consideration (real money) behind it, and for which the banks have ABSOLUTELY NO RISK OF REAL LOSS if they aren’t paid? Simply put, if you don’t pay the bank the extortion money and interest you authorized for yourself, they will take your house and make the money from someone else, or sell the property and make money that way. It is the height of fraud, theft and greed... getting something for nothing.

It gets worse. The Constitution forbids Congress from passing on the power to coin money to someone else, and it is Congress alone that is given the power to coin money, and this money is to be gold and silver backed. This means that Congress has ALWAYS had the authority and power to prevent or eliminate the Federal Reserve, and our national debt, but it has colluded with these rich bankers and families to lie to you in order to be able to spend all they want at YOUR expense. They could print their own money, based on something real and not fiat money, and use it for the common good and for limited government. Of course, if they did this, Americans would be able to see and know where the spending was taking place and government couldn’t hide the truth of on what, and where, they spend money, mostly unconstitutional spending, and it wouldn’t have been able to grow into the cancerous mass it is today. They could also loan this real money to Americans for little or no interest for every need we have. By using this system, government is hiding the actual costs to every American in this country, and most people only look at the obvious "income taxes" supposedly used to fund government... another lie which will be covered more in the next article in this series.

Our Founding Fathers hated banks, and fought them continually because they understood what their agenda was. Two presidents since the 1800's stood up to the bankers, and Federal Reserve system... Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy. What happened to them? Kennedy’s Executive Order number 11110, signed by him in 1963, (Google that for the facts) authorized the government’s own money which was in competition with the Federal Reserve "greenbacks." He understood the damage the FR was doing to our citizens and economy. Four Billion+ worth of silver certificates were printed, and issue began. Just 5 months later, President Kennedy was assassinated and these certificates were very quickly withdrawn and most destroyed. This is a matter of record.

Keep this in mind: Because our national debt is based in fraud and non-disclosure, the banks, and our own government, are liable. Because of this, the so-called "debt" is also VOID under the law of the land, and under law, it essentially, legally, does NOT exist and falls onto the Federal Reserve bank owners and all parties which supported this scam, knowingly or unknowingly, to pay off or discharge.

The issue of money is little understood by most Americans, but when they do find out about it, and the size of this scam, it doesn’t take them long to begin steps to retake freedom and to secure their finances away from the thieves and robbers in government and banking. One way how you can do this will be covered in part 2 of this series. For more details on the topic of finances and solutions, go to youtube.com and type in "Federal Reserve," and go to www.thematrixhasyou.org/finances.html.

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Jeff Maehr is a health and wellness professional and has been in natural health for 35 years, and is dedicated to educating people about the natural health system and how it can change your health and life. Dr. Maehr previously published a newspaper (more...)
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