"Gates was on the board of directors of VoteHere, a strange little company that was the biggest elections industry lobbyist for the Help America Vote Act (HAVA). VoteHere spent more money than ES&S, Diebold, and Sequoia combined to help ram HAVA through. And HAVA, of course, was a bill sponsored by convicted Abramoff pal Bob Ney and K-street lobbyist buddy Steny Hoyer. HAVA put electronic voting on steroids. "VoteHere never sold any voting machines that I can find, but apparently did set up some deals to embed its cryptography into some voting systems."Let's take a moment and connect the dots... CIA...board of directors of electronic voting machine company ....Didn't sell their machines to American municipalities but spent enormous sums of money to get HAVA passed... cut deals to embed their cryptography in some systems... Hmm...You don't have to be a nutcase to think this doesn't sound quite kosher. Bev concludes: "I don't know about you, but I'd rather use a paper, pencil, and count by hand at the polling place than have former CIA director Robert Gates fooling around with my vote. But that's just me. " I'm with you, Bev.