The Problem: Obama, Clinton, and Edwards all support keeping all options on the table including military action in our dealings with Iran. Most all of San Diego County’s five Congressmen and our two Senators have not taken positions against attacking Iran. Representative Susan Davis voted in 6/2006 against funding an attack on Iran, but currently has no firm public position. The only San Diego Congressman who has clearly stated opposition to an attack on Iran is Republican Darrell Issa. I fear other parts of the country have similar problems.
The Solution: Lobby all our Congressmen to preempt an attack on Iran through defense appropriations. Phyllis Bennis with United for Peace and Justice, Scott Ritter, and San Diego law professor Marjorie Cohn all support a Boland like amendment on a defense appropriation as the best way to stop an attack on Iran. The Boland amendment stopped legal Contra aid. It was attached to a 1983 defense appropriation. Unlike non binding resolutions and vetoed resolutions that do not have the force of law, defense appropriations will have the force of law and are both veto proof and filibuster proof.
Projected Timetable: The supplemental defense appropriations for Iraq and Afghanistan of $100 billion for funding thru 9/30/2007 is our next best opportunity to check this president’s aggression. On 2/28 the Appropriations Committee staff indicated the following: the bill would be out of the Committee by 3/9, out of the House by 3/16, and out of the Senate by 4/15. As of today 3/8, the bill has not even been drafted.
Requested Actions:
Give the preemptive de-funding of an attack on Iran equal priority to de-funding the war in Iraq or setting time limits for our withdrawal. An attack on Iran will make the surge and/or time limits moot. I fear the passage of de-funding the Iraq war and/or time limits will increase the likelihood of an attack on Iran. If Congress forces the de-escalation of the war in Iraq, how else will the Fascists keep this perpetual war on terror going if not through an attack on Iran?
Call your local Congressmen. Demand they keep this president from attacking Iran by restricting funds in the appropriation bill. American forces should be prohibited from attacking Iran and/or helping Israel attack Iran. Call your Reps preferably before 3/14 though we may have more time after the 14th. Call your senators before 4/15.
Arguments for Congressmen:
If Mr. Bush feels we must attack Iran, we must force him to get the approval of Congress. We would not be tying his hands more than the Constitution ties his hands, and all Congressmen should support the Constitution. I submit our Constitution is more important than Iraq, Iran, and/or Israel.
Mr. Bush says he's not going to attack Iran, and therefore, it would be hard to construe eliminating funds for offensive action against Iran as limiting the flexibility of our forces and/or the ability of our troops to defend themselves.
In addition, Congressmen who refuse to de-fund the surge or the war might partially appease their antiwar constituents by at least preempting the escalation of the war into Iran. See related material and additional arguments at:
If our Congressmen continue to waffle as the House and Senate votes approach, consider joining me in occupying Congressional offices.