The movie "The Hustler" won two Oscars for best art and set direction and best cinematography in 1962. Additionally Paul Newman was nominated for the best actor Oscar, George C. Scott and Jackie Gleason were nominated for the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, Piper Laurie was nominated for the Best Actress Oscar, Robert Rossen was nominated for the Best Director Oscar and the Best Screenplay Oscar and "The Hustler" was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture.
The only person involved with "The Hustler" who was not nominated for an Oscar was boxer Jake LaMotta aka "The Bronx Bull" aka "The Raging Bull", who played the bartender in "The Hustler". In 1947, Jake LaMotta threw his fight with Billy Fox, pretending to get knocked out in order to get a chance at the middleweight championship of the world. Jake LaMotta won the title in Detroit in 1949 by defeating the Frenchman Marcel Cerdan. Marcel Cerdan dislocated his arm in the first round of the fight but kept fighting until he threw in the towel after the ninth round. On his way back to the United States for the rematch Marcel Cerdan's Air France Lockheed airplane crashed over the Azores, a group of Portugese Islands similar to Hawaii halfway between Europe and the United States. Everyone on board was killed. Robert Deniro won the Academy Award Oscar for Best Actor for his portrayal of Jake LaMotta in the 1980 Martin Scorsese film "Raging Bull".
This week in Australia Dick Cheney called global warming a "myth". He said that even if global warming was a fact, "the scientists were all in disagreement over whether or not human beings were contributing to global warming or whether or not global warming was a natural cycle of nature." Is Vice President Cheney stupid or a liar? What would cause an oil executive to deny the existence of global warming? A hustler is a person who obtains money, power and control by aggressive and dishonest means.
Everyone on earth knows that the Vice President of the United States lied the United States into Iraq with fairy tales of Iraqi nuclear bombs aimed at American cities and American soldiers being greeted in Baghdad with hugs and kisses and rose petals by the grateful Iraqi people for liberating them from Saddam Hussein. Everyone on earh knows that the reason that Dick Cheney lied the United States into Iraq was to steal Iraq's oil and to steal trillions of dollars from the American taxpayers' bank accounts for the bank accounts of the offense defense contractors and oil companies, including his own Halliburton Company and George Bush's Carlysle Group.
In 1999 Dick Cheney said, "Where is our oil going to come from in the future?" The father of President Bush sits on the board of directors of the Sunni Saudi Royal Family Oil Company. The oil company of George Bush was financed by the Saudi bin Laden family. Both Presidents George Bush are employees of the Saudi Royal family, in particular Saudi King Abdullah, a brutal dictator taking the vast Saudi oil wealth and putting it in his pocket. King Abdullah, the Godfather, is able to do this because he is backed by the nuclear arsenal of his employees George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr. and Dick Cheney. Osama bin Laden broke away from his rich Saudi brothers and sisters to save the poor Saudi people from being raped and pillaged by Saudi King Abdullah and the U.S. Government.
The American people use 15 million barrels of imported oil per day plus 5 million barrels of oil per day that they produce themselves, for a total of 20 million barrels of oil per day. China uses 5 million per day, with 5 times the population of the United States. Russia and India use 2 million barrels per day. The other 200 countries in the world use on average 50,000 barrels of oil per day. Ford, General Motors and Chrysler have now gone bankrupt making gas guzzlers. Toyota is making record profits. Fuel cell technology exists today for cars to run on hydrogen and emit only water vapor. Why are American cars still using oil?
Oil sells today for $60 a barrel. Every day Saudi King Abdullah exports 10 million barrels of oil. It costs Saudi Arabia $1 per barrel to get the oil out of the ground. Saudi King Abdullah is making $600 million dollars profit every single day, $219 billion dollars per year from oil sales alone tax free profit. The United States led by George Bush and Dick Cheney is paying 1 billion dollars every day for oil to Sunni Saudi King Abdullah and his family.
The Iraq War caused the price of oil to skyrocket to $75 per barrel. Because the past November elections were approaching and Saudi King Abdullah wanted to keep the Republicans in office King Abdullah dropped the price of oil to $50 per barrel. In July 2007 the oil companies dropped the price of gasoline overnight from $3 a gallon to $2 a gallon. Exxon Mobil made $40 billion in 2006 and Royal Dutch Shell made $26 billion. General Electric one of the leading defense offense contractors made $20 billion in 2006. Dick Cheney's company Halliburton made $2 billion profit in 2006. Dick Cheney gave Halliburton Iraq contracts for exorbitant fees without even a bidding process. The Iraq Study Group recently announced that because of the Iraq War it will now cost the United States 2 trillion dollars to re arm the military.
Now Sunni Saudi King Abdullah has ordered his employees George Bush and Dick Cheney to capture Shia Iran for him. This is why George Bush couldn't get through to Dick Cheney on 911. Dick Cheney was on the phone with King Abdullah. While all American air traffic was grounded, King Abdullah had Dick Cheney fly airplanes all over the United States picking up the members of the Saudi bin Laden family and flying them back to Saudi Arabia before the CIA could ask them where their brother Osama bin Laden was.
The United States backed their partner Osama bin Laden as he led the Afghanistan mujihadeen in their fight against the Soviet Union. The United States backed their partner Saddam Hussein in his attempt to capture Iran for 8 years. George Bush and Dick Cheney and Sunni King Abdullah ordered Sunni Al Qaeda to knock down the World Trade Center to give Saudi King Abdullah a reason to capture Iraq and then Iran.
Dick Cheney is now saying that the Iraq War has been a wonderful success, toppling Saddam Hussein, and putting a constitution and a democratically elected Iraqi Government in the Green Zone. Recently Dick Cheney said that American public opinion was against the Iraq War but this would change if there was another 911. Within the next few days Saudi King Abdullah will detonate another 911 either in the United States or abroad and then he will pay George Bush and Dick Cheney another few billion dollars into their Swiss bank accounts to nuke Iran. It is quite possible that the United States will sink one of their own aircraft carriers off the coast of Iran to rally the United States to launch an all out nuclear war against Iran. King Abdullah will not allow Shia Iran to develop nuclear bombs. In the meantime King Abdullah has his finger on the button of the American nuclear bombs in American silos and on American aircraft carriers through his consigliores George Bush and Dick Cheney.
All the while Russia and China are now backing Iran like they backed tiny North Vietnam to defeat the United States in the 60's. Russia and Iran own half the world's oil and recently formed a gas cartel. Russia and China consider the Middle East to be their own backyard. Russia last Monday threatened to attack the new American missiles placed in Poland and the Czech Republic. This is a repeat of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Russia built the Iranian nuclear reactor in Bushehr Iran and just delivered a billion dollars worth of advanced surface to air missiles to Iran to protect the Iranian nuclear power plant. When Saudi King Abdullah goes for Iran, Russia and China will capture the entire Middle East and Europe just as Nostradamus predicted 500 years ago.
When Nuclear World War 3, the Apocalypse occurs the Christians will scream, "We were right! The Revelation to John (The Apocalypse) really came true. Now Jesus the Prince of Peace will come flying down from Heaven on his flying horse to defeat the Beast Satan the monster Devil with the snake's tail, the goat's body and the lion's head and bring us world peace." The New Testament was written in Greek by Greek authors 100 years after Jesus died. The grandparents of these Greek Bible Writing authors wrote the Greek Myth of Prince Bellerophon 1,000 years earlier. Prince Bellerophon jumped onto his flying horse Pegasus and defeated the Chimera, a monster with a snake's tail, a goat's body and a lion's head. The Book of Revelations and the story of the Messiah Prince Jesus coming to save you on his flying horse is a dead on plagiarism of the Greek Myth of Prince Bellerophon and his flying horse Pegasus defeating the Chimera. This is the inconvenient truth. Because 2 billion Christians and 1 billion Muslims have been brainwashed that the way to world peace is through this Apocalypse they are spending every dime on weapons of mass destruction. The convenient truth is that the way to world peace is to stop fighting.