Dear Sirs,
The Rothschilds and their Bilderberger lieutenants have expressed an earnest desire to eliminate at least two-thirds of the human population on the grounds that we 'useless eaters' are inessential to their 'economy'. Presumably, though we have not specifically enquired of them, they will not care if any particular few are included in the elimination process, such as you, me and our nearest and dearest.
In this serious endeavor they are aided by all the media of the press and other mass communication, and all the other organs of political and social opinion-forming of the world, which their colleagues and others of their same discreet persuasion totally dominate, plus what were formerly our agencies of investigation and law enforcement, and our armed military forces over all of which they somehow have assumed control for their use in their private aims and ambitions.
To further their ends they now also govern education via their publishing outlets, which commission brilliantly-crafted and attractive but obstructive school textbooks, and via the products of our Universities from whom they derive methods of social engineering to tailor our societies to their better control. The media distort the facts of the realities the better to warp us to the Rothschild faction's actions and intentions toward us, the latter trash our children's mentalities so that as children or as grown adults we could care less anyway as, among so many other things, we no longer have the brain to recognize what they are up to.
However, while not for one moment questioning the sincerity of the Rothschild faction’s elevated desire for the general good as expressed by, among others, the avuncular Henry Kissinger, and while naturally eager to comply with the doubtless benevolent intentions of such eminent beings, perhaps we would be wise to pause for a moment's reflection before rushing to any too-hasty acquiescence or compliance.
We might therefore dwell on the other side of the same coin, remembering the reality that more than two thirds of the world's work is totally unnecessary, is done solely so that the human population can be given the need to earn and use - and thus lend spurious value to - the printed paper that the Rothschilds and their accomplices inflict on us via their ‘national’ banks of all our lands, so that to sustain ourselves we can buy the food and other necessities in which their dealers speculate and which they thus monopolize with all the other printed paper which they have amassed over the centuries and still increasingly extract from us today.
Coincidentally, our earning of their paper also enables us to pay taxes to pay interest on the finance that, via our leaders whom they uniformly corrupt, they oblige all our nations to borrow. The fact that all these taxes of all kinds – think of this ‘value added tax’ on all we buy - are paid into their ‘national’ banks, and that, after retaining what they want for their other purposes, they kindly lend this money back to us at interest for the running of our countries, this may hardly be crucially germane to the basic question here . . . but it is still pretty interesting, no?
Another incidental fact we might consider is that the energy used in all this unnecessary work - solely to produce the illusory finance to fatten the already bloated Rothschild purse, remember - is seriously overheating the planet, to the prejudice of our own and all other terrestrial life. As a result the oceans are rising and will continue to rise and there will be less and less and hotter and hotter land surface per capita for any of us, the few worthy Rothschildren and the many unworthy non-Rothschildren alike, to stand on.
So perhaps the question for us to ponder is this: if any have to be eliminated in order to comply with the Rothschild-planned prescription, then, considered quite impartially, who more merit life? - those many who grow the food and work to maintain themselves and their fellow populations in a stable planetary environment as of the previous aeons, or the recent few parasites who do no work and make no contribution, in fact produce nothing real other than their few trivial daily ounces of ordure, but who only manipulate their fiction of finance and use it to prey on those of us who work and also on all other animate and inanimate species, all of whom they make 'a commodity' for their further illusory financial profit, and in so doing destabilize the environment and imperil the continuance of all life including their own?
And, consequently then, who more merit their so-sincerely-desired elimination? – we or they? And should we in our deliberations also include the great and good of our various nations, who conjoin annually as good Bilderbergers to discuss our future, its duration, and presumably how to manage its curtailment?
Therefore we may well ask ourselves, does any major blame reside in the fact that our very existence offends the Rothschilds' sense of what is properly neat and tidy in the scheme of their fictitious economy, or elsewhere in the fact that without the infliction of their tribe and their cash, no grounds of any kind for such sense of imbalance or disproportion, imaginary or real, would exist anyway?
From observation of the present state of the world, the Rothschilds and their colleagues evidently are actively and urgently working toward - indeed are well-advanced in - their declared objective of our elimination via their fomentation of further promoted wars together with their use of endlessly-polluting radioactive weaponry in the conflicts which they have already succeeded in bringing about.
Perhaps therefore we should not delay overlong in reaching a conclusion to our dilemma. Else we might be obliged to accept willy-nilly such a decision which these self-elect and supposedly celestially-favored beings have already made, and have made and will carry out, moreover, without further reference to the opinion of the rest of us so affected.
Which, from the point of view of all who are not Rothschild, Bilderberger or fellow-traveler, ain't nice.
Yours etc.