But I will return soon with a "Toolbox for Context Constructors" - a collection of articles that puts present events into a more accurate and "whole" context instead of the ready-to-eat pre-chewed and cut-up stories
Knowing the term alludes to a certain "branch" of human attempts of self-regulation -specific individuals are making decisions convincing - with different proportions of use of physical and/or financial carrots and whips, as well as reasoning and information to elicit a "free will" based restriction
of reproduction - I am going to use the well-known PR
trick of twisting the commonly agreed upon meaning.
I am speaking in the following of a population control that is more a "behavioral control" not done by humans to other humans, but rather a natural law of equilibrium.
I got the urge to write this when I read and then engaged in exchange of comments and replies with a fellow writer who wrote an article based on an capturing experiences and insights better left unread if we are to further the forces of disrespect for human life and freedom of body, mind and soul. But if we do not want to further such forces we would do well to read and learn.
In "Some Historical Perspective on Somalia and the Horn"
Dr Edo McGowan describes self-experienced abuses of individual attempts of doing something good for human kind, by subordinating their efforts to motives which has little respect for the cost in human lives and health and environmental destruction.
Following his article are replies to my comments, and in the first he offers words of "consolation" as to the worries of the effects of such destructive human behavior:
"But, not to worry, the entire system is self correcting...will be corrected in Godley ways through wars, famines and plagues.... that just may be the natural order and, according to some, may be ordained. "Progressing through the academic studies of psychology, sociology, economy, political science and a bit of medicine on the side i believe certain observations baked together with some logical deduction and induction can generate a probably accurate presumption regarding the nature of humans in relation to the various "dimensions" on and in which she interacts - as a physical, psychological and social animal on and in the individual, the inter-personal and social, the political, the economical level.
That is the following:
Just as a single individual's mental aspirations and wants can never escape the organism of which the brain is just one of many parts, so humanity at large can never transcend the largest of all systems-the one including all living things upon this planet(at least). No system ever created by man -be that political or economical-can ever become more than just another behavior of one of the many life forms within this system and thus it can never be separated and excluded from the law of cause and effect-and ultimately, equilibrium- within that system.
In that sense, whatever we do within and by use of any such system will either further or counteract the extinguishing of the actions.
But on all levels aforementioned - humanity at large and individuals separately- tend to behave out of a belief or as if they believed that they were exempted from this.
Whether we call it divine justice and/or divine plan and/or natural laws the effects are the same.
In that sense I believe you are hitting a very important and fundamental fact in the quote above, and in that sense - like so many scriptures used for teaching people important lessons, be that allegedly divinely inspired or of more worldly origin - unless we become humble enough to subordinate ourselves in the way we behave to being but one of many parts of something transcending us and in which all parts are affecting one another, then the effects of our behavior will be countered so as decrease it - by reducing the number of people and/or depriving us of the means to behave in certain ways.
At least these are my observations. And whether divine or man-made alone, there is no end to the attempts made to enlighten people to this. Therefore-fewer and fewer of us truly can excuse their unchanged ways by ignorance.