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Today I'm going to rant a little

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Michael Chavers
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I am more than a little peeved today and I am going to rant a little bit on what I think needs to get done to solve some of the problems that these pinhead gutless politicians have done to our country lately.

Turn up the volume on your tube and get ready for the David Petraeus show. I am sure that he will have many visuals and graphs and charts. He will show us how sectarian violence is down, BALONEY. They will talk benchmarks, more BALONEY. They will give you a graph on the progress, BALONEY.

This war is on full tilt until this pinhead and his cabal of cretins is back on the street or maybe on the streets of Paraguay avoiding extradition back to the US to face charges.Three months after we destroyed Baghdad and after the first gulf war Saddam had the infrastructure back up and running. We have had 4 years and nothing is stable in Iraq.

The real deal is that the IRAQI’S need to figure it out. What is needed is for America to take off the kid gloves and get some real negotiations going. Stop the BALONEY and tell it like it is. First we need to sit down with all parties and let’s just say boys we ain’t gonna be here much longer. This president is gone and there won’t be anyone that dumb to take his place, so figure it out. We caused this mess and we will bankroll the recovery but you’re gonna have to do it.Let’s give some kind of support for the Kurds because for all intents and purposes these boys have been autonomous since the gulf war.

We can’t let Turkey bully these guys and we can do it diplomatically because the Turks need European money much more than they or we need the Turks. As far as all the rest in Iraq they got to figure it out.Tell the Iranians, dudes we ain’t gonna let you just roll on in and take over. When we leave we got bases in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia and if you start rolling your tanks over the border we are going to blow them up. There is a no fly zone over Iraq unless you ok it with us first.Also tell the Iranians, Dudes you start playing with nuclear weapons and pointing them at us it’s gonna be like a bank robber pointing a gun at Dirty Harry, there won’t be any pieces to pick up.

I remember when the Iranians took over the American Embassy, the fundamentalists where massing in front of the Soviet Embassy and the Soviet Ambassador told them you take our embassy today and tomorrow there will be no Tehran. Tell the Saudi’s the next time 20 of your nationals fly into our country and cause mass destruction to the U.S. there will be hell to pay. Tell the rest of the Arab world get on board and help your Muslim brothers out. Maybe some of the princes in Saudi Arabia, instead of having solid gold toilets just maybe they can use some of that unearned money to help out their Sunni Brothers in Iraq by building a hospital or something.Tell all who would sponsor terrorists that if you attack America, we are gonna find out who did it and we are gonna kill anyone that supported the attack. We are gonna find the leaders and we will kill them and all with them.

We need to tell the Israelis that they better make peace and real and lasting peace and quit messing around.We need to tell the WAR PROFITEERS that the ride is over and either renegotiate or cancel the contracts we have in place, there ain’t gonna be that much profit in war anymore.We need to tell the leaders of this country to stop browning money to pay for their adventurous war maneuvers. Rescind all of the tax breaks for the rich that this administration has given and go back to a real monetary system and a balanced budget within the next decade.

To big business, no more government bail outs. You want to sell a house to somebody who can’t afford it tough. You eat the loss. To big business who ships manufacturing jobs to countries we can’t compete with because they have slave labor and no environmental integrity, there is going to be a tariff on their lead painted toys and such.To the government this country needs to close its boarders and figure some kind of immigration reform that is fair but also protects our national interests. We also need to better screen the foreigners who come into this country.

After watching that 9/11 report on the history channel we need to do a better job on this starting NOW. We need to protect our ballot boxes and go back to a paper voting system where you take a number 2 pencil and black out the box for the one you vote for and store these votes so there will be no shenanigans. We need to take big money out of politics and publicly finance the election of all officials from sheriff to president. We need to get big money out of politics by matching dollar for dollar that special interests spend on elections or ban them from donating all together and have only publicly funds in politics.We need to only vote responsible candidates into office. Ones who will do what they swore to do and protect the Constitution of these here United States of America. Ones that will have the balls to stand up to the fascists BA$TARD$ that will try to take over.

There are many other issues that need to be addressed and I am sure I will be airing some of them before we pick the next batch of Knuckleheads to run and hopefully not ruin this great country.That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. All Americans start acting like ones and let’s take it back in 2008.Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity. 

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I am a Musician, political Junkie, Father, Husband, who cares very much about the United States of America and what is being done to the Ideals and citizens of this great Nation. I want to restore the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to what (more...)
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