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Baby George In The Land Of The Bubble People

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Phil Rockstroh
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In the early 1970s, when George W. Bush was shirking his National Guard
duties in Alabama, state Republican Party insiders tagged him with the
moniker, "The Texas Souffle'," due to his habitual arrogance, ceaseless
indulgence in braggadocio, and preening sense of privilege and

At present, after nearly half a decade of Bush's souffle' presidency and
the rise of what could be termed souffle' economics, souffle' energy
policies, and souffle' jingoism, I think those Alabama party hacks were
being charitable in their characterization of Bush, because the
composition of any given souffle' is too subtle and far too much care
must be taken in its preparation to be an apt analogy for his obtuse,
crude persona.

More accurately, Duyba should be compared with a bubble blown from a
wad of trust fund bubble gum.

This might explain the reason he sees threats everywhere: The earth
bristles with those who would pierce his bubble of privilege and
ignorance . . . would topple him from his throne of grandiosity . . .
would knock the tin crown of entitlement from his ego-tumescent head.

Bush, insulated from reality and in the thrall of obsessive self-regard
and overweening pride, has never been tempered by the consequences of
his actions.

In this, Bush is merely a reflection of an era dominated by the
virtually unfettered power of the military/corporate security state: he
is a byproduct of Viagra militarism and jack-shack economics -- whereby
limp-dick, aging men conflate their pharmaceutically-induced hard-ons
into delusions of unflagging power and potency, if not the mandates of
heaven. They believe they have become the earthly embodiment of the
Phallus of God -- the Cosmic Johnson of Jehovah. They are delusional,
yet their flaccid, military/corporatist fantasies have risen to become
the Dick (Cheney) of Death.

Bastard child of this hegemonic cluster-f*ck, his majesty the baby,
George W. Bush, throws global-wide tantrums of thwarted entitlement.

Indulged and protected by wealth and privilege, Bush has lived a life
devoid of the depth and compassion gained by the interplay of
experience and introspection. In his world, informed by infantile
omnipotence and macho narcissism, superficial symbols become paramount.

As Bush exemplifies, the childish minds of totalitarian personalities
are particularly enamored with symbols of military power. This is why
dictators swoon over their own reflection when they don over-the-top
military uniforms, and, accordingly, why little Dubya lives to play
dress-up. The vestments of martial power serve as compensation for the
despot's inner sense of weakness and vulnerability. But, because power
is addictive, the relief is only palliative and comes at a terrible
price. Soon, more and more blandishments of macho-narcissistic armor
are required to keep at bay feelings of internal weakness -- feelings
that are only exacerbated when the world beyond takes up a defensive
stance against his belligerence.

However, the world is far too large and intricate -- and the human
heart too complicated -- to be controlled by even the most ruthless
tyrants. Throughout history, even the most cunning and powerful despots
-- those who constructed the murderous mechanisms of absolute power
around themselves -- faltered and fell. Reduced to a joke, a historical
sight gag, with their silly uniforms and shiny boots, inevitably, every
last strutting, preening one of them (including George W. Bush) will
matriculate through the university of higher humiliation known as the
vastness of life.

How long did the Thousand Year Reich of the Nazis last -- twelve years?

If you put your ear to the ground, you can hear the dynamo hum of
tyrants rotating in their graves . . . this is the closest thing we
will ever have to a perpetual motion machine.

Deep down totalitarian personality types such as Dubya realize the
truth: they know, in the end, they too will join the subterranean
machinery of rotisserie tyrants.

If we could power hybrid cars with the rage generated when Bush's and
his administration's sense of endless entitlement is thwarted by the
larger realities of the world, we could drive Humvee/Prius hybrids to

Living (or a pale facsimile thereof) within the confines of his
self-inflated bubble is the tyrant's defense against the threats he
perceives from the realities of the outer world to his grandiose (and
therefore fragile) sense of self. The Bubble Prone Personality (BPP)
must maintain absolute control over his environment at all costs.
(Watch how Bush goes into meltdown during those rare events when he is
not protected by the cordon sanitaire of staged and scripted events.)
Accordingly, for control to be maintained, a closed system must be
rigorously established and maintained. Secrecy and ideological rigidity
are essential. Openness creates feelings of vulnerability; feelings of
vulnerability engender paranoia; paranoia creates the urge to purge;
purging creates even more feelings of paranoia; these generate even
more feelings of vulnerability -- and that, in turn, causes those
enclosed within the bubble to grow more fearful and to strive for even
greater secrecy, conformity, security, and control. In short, a day in
the life within the proto-fascistic Bush administration.

Yet closed systems contain the seeds of their own destruction: To
preserve the illusion of absolute order, the apparatus needed to
maintain the protective bubble must grow larger and more complex, and,
as a consequence, it becomes increasingly chaotic and unstable.
Reacting to the perceived lack of control, the rulers of Bubble Land,
now plangent with paranoia, institute even more rigid codes of secrecy
and conformity. All of this necessitates the establishment of still
larger and more elaborate systems of control, which, in turn, create
even more complexity, and more disorder, thereby, continually expanding
the cycle of instability that, instead of preserving the system, ends
by accelerating its demise.

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Phil Rockstroh is a poet, lyricist and philosopher bard living in New York City. He may be contacted at Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/phil.rockstroh

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